LA poolside

11:11 AM Monday Poolside Party


We're standing in our bathing suit cover ups', in the middle of the pool area.

Closest to my left is Adreanna and beside her is Val. Then the closet on my right is Jocie, Shaneon then Jordyn.

*Music playing_ Mia by Bad Bunny feat. Drake

Val, turning to walk away.

"Yah, where you going?" said Adreanna. "You were wanting to party so much earlier. Lets go dance" said Jocie.***

Jordyn- "Hey, Im going over there. To see if the bartender can save my stomach"

"Save me, save me..." sang Shaneon in a mimicking tone.

Jordyn gave her the stink eye.

"Sorry too soon?" She said slinging her arm around Jordyn. "Anyway you should let me have some fun. Who kept an eye on you while you slept, you ungrateful kid".***

"It not my scene. Its day time". said Val


Adreanna had slapped Val's a**

"Tits" She said under her breath, while pointing her finger at me.

I gave her shoulder a shove.

"Whatever, you're no fun" said Adreanna, grabbing your arm and avoiding Val's death stare.

Which I shrugged off her grip.

"What you too?" said Adreanna

"Ehh its a little different"

"Oh come on you love dancing more than any of us" said Adreanna.

I looked to Jocie my oldest friend for support. "It's true" she said with a shrug.

I glanced at the crowd of people dancing in bathing suits.

I meekly followed Adreanna and Jocie into the crowd of dancers. To which they began moving their bodies to the music.

Adrenna looked back at me over her shoulder. "Shesh. You, shy of all people when it comed to dancing. Put your counselor on a shelf and let loose".

"Hey I have faults. I don't like to be put in the spot light, and I don't pay much attention past my close surroundings..."

"Yeah, yeah. You're flawed we get it now. Show everyone what you got" said Adreanna.

Dancing to a few songs with small movements.

I began to lose my shyness and dance more openly. With the playing of, Move to Miami by Enrique Iglesias.

Sliding over to Val. I pulled her out of the lounge chair she was occupying and onto the dance floor.

Body rolls, People's hands sliding down their bodies and a** shaking...


11:40 AM

Leaning my back against the bar.

"So how you feeling" I asked turning my head to Jordyn.

"Swell if you consider me not throwing up but being nauseated as hell" She said.

I turned around, leaning on the bar top with my forearm and sipping on the water that the bartender had brought me.

"So no dancing, huh?" said Shaneon her eyes dancing with amusement as she scanned Jordyn.

I smirked almost seeing a green tinge to Jordyn's skin.

Verse 3 Pitbul: Move to Miami_" Where the mamis off the chain...."


Someone has bumped into my back.

They are now pressing their hand into my back and sliding it from my upper back to the middle of my back.


"What the actual..." I said jerking around.

"Val!" I shouted.

"You gonna take that? said Jordyn

I glanced at both of them, who were smirking and had their eyebrows arched.

"No" I said heading straight back onto the dance floor.

Dancing up against Val, with Adreanna and Jocie on either side of us.

Song Ended, Starting song....

Jason Derulo, Lay, NCT 127-

Let's Shut Up & Dance

Looking at Val, I indicated her to start off the dance. Following with me barely grazing her body while dancing sexually, around her.****



Val and I are walking over to the ends of the bar to a few lounge chairs that our friends' are occupying.

Adreanna was sitted with one leg tucked underneath her while her other dangled over the side of the lounge chair.

In front of her lounge chair was Jordyn and Shaneon. Who were sharing the same lounge chair.

Jordyn was leaning back against Shaneon. As she was stroking Jordyn's hair.

Jocie had her own lounge chair beside them and was stretched out in the sun.

I was getting ready to ploop down on the space beside Jocie when she sat up, moving her leg in the space.

In accordance, Val had drug over a poolside chair and was getting ready to sit down. When Jordyn slide in it before her.

"Dance for a seat" said Jordyn.

"You know I could just sit on you, right?" said Val.

"That's not the rules, cheater" said Adreanna who is now sitting on her knees on the lounge chair.

Standing with my arms crossed. I rolled my eyes. "Fine" I said as I looked down.

"Well, what are you looking at?" said Val

"My pride, withering on the ground".

"Can you bury me in that ground, as well". said Val


"So random dance, is the game" said Shaneon.
