Diverging and Converging In LA Part 4

8:30 PM

We've just claimed some seats at an outdoor eating section.

Shaneon, who's sitting beside me plucking pieces of her cotton candy and popping them into her mouth. While I'm waiting on the sweet cart staff to call me. Indicating that my funnel cake topped with strawberries and cream is done.

When my phone starts ringing, "You've got me....I've got you".

"Hey Jocie" I said putting my phone on speaker.

"Where'd you guys go?" asked Jocie.

"Your funnel cake is ready" I got up, leaving my phone on the table to retrieve my funnel cake.

"We went to grab something to satisfy our sweetooths" said Shaneon.

"I thought y'all were going to the bathroom" said Val in the background. "Then headed over to the carnival games" said Adreanna in the background.

"Meghan is the one that needed to go to the bathroom" I said while picking up a fork and indicating to Shaneon if she wanted some nappkins too.

"We decided to split up since I saw the sweet cart and Jordyn's the on that had seen some carnival games that she had wanted to try, not us" said Shaneon.

"So where are y'all, two at?".

Shaneon gave the instructions to Jocie, Val and Adreanna. As I moved to sit back down.


Jocie plopped down in between me and Shaneon. I forked a piece of funnel cake waving it in front of Jocie's mouth.

As Adreanna plopped down across from me with Val beside her.

"So how's the rides?" asked Shaneon

"They're alright". said Adreanna who also requested a bite of the funnel cake.

"Are you guys going to ride more?" Val asked directing this question to Shaneon and me.

We looked at each other and Shaneon pulled out her phone to check the time, "8:52 PM. We have to leave at 10:20 to head back to the hotel to catch our flight at 11:40 PM".

"Well does anyone want to meet back up with Jordyn and Meghan for carnival games? asked Jocie.

I looked towards Shaneon, "I might". Shaneon also nodded.

"Well let's give them a call and see where they are" said Adreanna.

On speaker phone, Shaneon and Jocie we're meanwhile coordinating the location to meet up with Jordyn and Meghan.

Looking back towards Val and Adreanna. My attention was fully drawn to Adreanna as she spoke to me.

"So how was the stroll with Mr. Handsome" asked Adreanna.

Oh great and so it begins, I thought. Glancing back to Val. Who's not meeting my eyes and pressing her lips together with her head turned away.

Phone Conversation Ended.

"So wait hold up so while we were playing games. You went on a date?" asked Shaneon. "And we missed it!" replied Jocie rapping her arms around Shaneons shoulder. Shaneon looking over Jocie's shoulder, lips quivering like she was going to cry.

"Oh stop being dramatic. It was not a date. We barely said much of anything to each other".

"But Val said you met him before?" said Adreanna

*My thoughts, "Daeng you Val. You are making things difficult".

Sigh. "Well yeah..."

Shaneon and Jocie sprung apart. "What!?!"

Val chimed in "At the airport". I gave her a glare indicating for her to quit interfering.

"Wait at the airport?... So that's why you guys were dragging butt?". said Jocie.

Shaneon had a puzzled expression...

"Oh Tall, Good Looking" she exclaimed.

Shaking her head, "So did you at least get his number" asked Jocie

"Why would I?"

"A, he's hot" said Adreanna

"B, He has a gentleman quality. You said so yourself when he produced a helping hand so you wouldn't be a total embarrassment" said Shaneon

*My thoughts, "Serious bringing that up again and again. Its embarrassing that I was so unaware of my surrounding at that time...."

"Lastly, he seemed to have a nice personality" said Val.

Sighing again, "You guys are seriously making a mountain out of a mole hill. We just made casual conversation..."

"Well I got Tae's number!" Adreanna said matter of factly.

"Who's tae!?!" said Shaneon and Jordyn simultaneously.

"Ahh my reprieval" I thought smirking...