Calm Before The Storm?

"Ugg. Go somewhere else" mumbled Val who was laying face down on the bed. "But I'm bored..." said Adreanna. Who was sitting cross legged on the bed beside her.

Meghan looked up from her book. "It's literally 6:37 in the morning" she said raising one eyebrow.

"Why didn't you go out with Mindi and Jocie" said Val rolling onto her side, cracking open one eye to look at the pouty Adreanna.

"They went to get coffee.... It's bitter" said Adreanna, wrinkling up her nose.

"You didn't have to get coffee. You could have got something else" said Meghan.

Adreanna's pout deepened. "I didn't think..." she said, more so to herself. Then turning back towards Val. She pushing her hand against Val's shoulder. "Vallie!"

"I told you to go somewhere else!" said Vallie as she swiftly sat up dragging her pillow with her. Then swatting Adreanna across the head with the pillow. "Such a brat! What do you want from me. So I can get a few hours of sleep".

Meghan sighed closing her book, placing it on her knee. "We could go down and get breakfast?"

"Yeah!" said Adreanna.

"Fine! Then afterwards you don't bother me for at least 2 hours" said Val.

"Oookay" said Adreanna with a dejected look.

"Adreanna, Go check on Jordyn and Shaneon. See if they want to go down with us for breakfast" said Meghan

"Alright!" said Adreanna who bounced of the bed and made her way out the door.

"Sigh... Why didn't you just suggest her going over to Shaneon and Jordyn's room earlier" said Val as she threw the pillow back in it's previously postion on the bed.

"I really just thought of them just in the moment to be honest" responded Meghan.


knock knock knock

I looked up from the itinerary plan I'm working on. Glancing between Shaneon and knocking at the door.

Obviously not hearing the knocking. Seeing as Shaneon's still drawing with her ear buds in.

I reluctantly retorted, "Fine... I'll just answer it" I said, putting my tablet to the side and standing up. I made my way over to the door.


"What you guy's doing?" She asked.

"Nothing much. Just working on our trip Itinerary. What's up?" I asked.

"Where's Shaneon?" She asked.


"No reason. Y'all hungry? We're going down to get breakfast. You guys in?"

"Hold on" I said turning around, walking over towards Shaneon. Whom I tapped on the shoulder. She stopped drawing and turned her head towards me, pulling out the left ear bud. "Yeh?" she said.

"Adreanna's here. Want to go with them down to get breakfast". I asked

"Sure give me a sec". She said taking a quick glance towards the door. Then returning ber attention back to her tablet.

I turned back to where Adreanna was standing in the door frame. "Well be right out" I said. With that Adreanna then turned around letting the door close behind her.

"You think Mindi and Jocie grabbed breakfast already" I asked Shaneon. While making my way over to the table with my tablet on it.

"Probably" she responded as she slid her stylus in the tablet and closed it's cover.

Infront of the table. I reached down flipping my tablet's cover back closed. Then with my hand postioned over my phone....

"So Far Away...Don't Fall Away". I could see then name, Jocie on my phone screen.

"Ah. Speak of the devils" I said.

"Hmm" said Shaneon who turned back to face me.

"Jocie's calling" I responded.




At a table positioned against the storefront window. I ended my phone call with Brayden and crossed my left leg over the other. Then taking a sip of my latte, I allowed my eyes to wonder around the coffee shop. Glancing around, I'm having to squint my eyes. Due to the brightness of the sun which is reflecting of various surfaces.

Shifting my gaze back to Mindi.

Whom is at the cash register paying for her long macchiato. I must be honest that even if the sun wasn't in my eyes. I would still have to take a double take at her. Since she is styling a lazy casual attire this morning. However, by no means is this shocking. Since Mindi loves wearing comfy clothes. But, It is unsual seeing her wearing them out in public. Emphasize placed on her wearing the baseball hat and glasses at the moment. Why? Well that's because Mindi is a little self conscious with what she wears. But were on vacation. So who cares what other's think, right?

Now turning around to face me with drink in hand. I can still see her face is framed on both sides by her light golden brown hair that barely reaches past her collarbone.
