I'm in paradise

After making sure Leon was okay, Fiona teleport-ed herself back to the dark mansion. She pushed open the door this time & it groaned heavily. Fiona frowned hearing the strange sound. She was annoyed!

Mr. sound, please shut it😒! Fiona pouted with disappointment. She looked at her wrist watch. It was already half passed six🕡. Of course, it was pitch black outside at this moment. This time,she led herself to the basement room. The bunch of sleeping beauties(😴) were snoring peacefully. Imaginary triple Zs were hanging above everyone's head. Fiona's eyes abruptly fell on that man. She gritted her teeth while her body began trembling with anger. She'd the sudden urge to beat him black & blue so that he remained paralyzed for the rest of his life. But she calmed herself down thinking of the fact that pride crumbles with disgrace. She closed her eyes & took a deep breath to calm herself down.

An imaginary flash bulb appeared above her head 💡! A crazy maggot entered her mind & an evil smirk appeared on her face😈. Ultra-Witch mode on! 🔛

Like a pro, Fiona waved stream of light in the underlings' heads. Then, she moved outside the door & hid behind its door. She snapped her finger & the sleeping beauties woke up one after the other. The man, too, woke up & let out a horrific scream. He pointed to the empty chair,"Where is the boy & his sister? How did they escape?" The lackeys who just woke up, were annoyed at the man. Suddenly, they started walking towards the man who was still on the floor. When the man noticed this, he shouted in an authoritative way,"You... what're you? Why're you charging towards me?" The full-muscled underlings were annoyed. Very soon, a slap landed on his handsome face,"You...how dare you slap me?" Fiona, who was watching all these, was shrieking outside the door.

Another punch landed on the man's face & he let out a bloodcurdling cry. Fiona calmed herself down & turned away. She walked out of the dark mansion in the darkness of a mere evening. But, the man's words suddenly rang in her mind. She halted in her step.

"Your beloved sister owed a huge debt to my brother."

Debt? What kind of debt was that man speaking of? Who was this brother of his? What did he'd to do with her sister? Her mouth was clouded with various questions. She knew she'd to get to the bottom of it! So, to control her emotions for the while, she teleport-ed herself to a nearby busy street instead of going home. The road was flooded with neon lights & people were busy walking & crossing. She followed through the footpath & stopped when she reached a bookstore. Books were the greatest way to ease out her emotions. She quickly entered & started rummaging through the bookshelves. Suddenly, her phone started ringing. When she saw the ID, Fiona's eyes lit up like thousand stars & a warm smile found its way to her face. Nobody noticed that bright, dazzling smile under her face mask. The ID said '0919'. She quickly answered it.



"Hmm", Fiona's smile grew bigger & her voice carried its trace.

"I already miss you", the trace of smile even found its way to Ashton's face.

Meanwhile, certain people were staring at him wide-eyed in disbelief. They were scrutinizing the happy expressions on his handsome face which always was stone-straight face in front of those 'people'.

"Come on. We're apart for just 2 hours."

"But I missed you all these 7200 seconds."


This high IQ person who was devoid of any EQ, was smiling & laughing. Those 'certain' people were gawking with shock.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine", a hint of disappointment surfaced in her voice.

"What's wrong?", Ashton was quick to notice it.

Those certain people also found him being a worrywart. They felt quite amused.


"Why? What happened?"

"Leon was kidnapped by that man. He said that junior sis owed his brother a huge debt. I don't know what kind of debt he was talking about!", Fiona finished in one breathe.

"How's he? Is he safe? But he must be in City D, right?"

"Yeah, I rescued him after sending them into a deep sleep. I also erased this part of the memory from Leon's mind & his group. I mean he's in City J for an excursion with his teachers & friends. Then I went back to the mansion where he's kept & erased all the memories of the henchmen about being that man's underlings. After they woke up, those people bit him up."

"Great. I guess his brother's someone powerful. But don't worry I'll help you find more about him. Now, don't tire yourself out. Go home & take rest. You'll soon start getting headache, you know, for using your powers too much today, okay?"

"Mm, Bye."


Another smile lit her face. She moved out of the store & looked at the night sky filled with billion stars. It felt like all the stars were shining more brightly upon her smile. Seeing those stars, Fiona suddenly remembered certain lines from a famous song.

When I look into your eyes,

Baby, I'm in paradise.

We can take it to the skies,

We can make it, you & I.
