Beauty with Brains

Peter'd the craziest of plans to take down Ashton! He'll write down some steps on how to take down romantic rivals in a 'heroic way'. (But don't try using them! 😜)

In his school days, Peter used to hangout with some young thugs from the neighborhood. But since he was a military man's son, he decided to distance himself from them. Nevertheless, he & Piya were trained in basic combat skills by their dad. Peter'd the thought that Ashton was nothing in compared to his combat skills. He's a match stick in comparison to Peter! 😈

Peter had his guts but he lacked brains. Nevertheless, a genius algorithmic plan (genius according to Peter) hatched in his mind & a evilly genius smirk spread across his face. It was time to execute his first step.

--Building A, Class IV--

Fiona & Ashton sat together for the art class while Peter observed them from afar.

"Huh, they're really close. After I get rid of him, I need to get a close hold on Fiona", Peter thought & smirked. The class passed by silence in between them. One thing that the two of them really appreciated was the artistic knowledge. They melted their suppressed emotions away with artwork. Peter saw them chatting happily & grinning ear to ear. He angrily gritted his teeth. He decided to execute the step that he'd learnt from those thugs.

#Step 01 "Target your love rival's weakness". The thug leader once said,"When your target has some other weakness, which may or may not include the girl, you must use it to your advantage. According to him, this stifles your target's attention from the one you're seeking. If the weakness has a strong hold on his heart, then congratulations! This'll generally make the girl feel abandoned especially if she's too young. Even if she's really understanding, comforting her in his absence can be very seductive."

Peter smirked eerily when he thought his chance was coming.

The next day at school.

Peter had given all of it to strike a suitable conversation with Ashton & find his weakness. But, all his conversations with him always turned to Fiona. Peter's frustration was off-limit. He indeed needed to take a break. Needless, his nape ached talking to Ashton. He was at least 5 inches taller than him which made Ashton look down at him when they talked. When Peter finally left, Fiona stifled a laugh.

"What is it?", Ashton gave her a puzzled look.

"Looks like he's trying to get some info out of you."

"That's true. What do you think?"

"Let me handle it for you."

"Are you sure?", Ashton smirked with a knowing gaze.

"What do you think?", Fiona smirked back. She gave the kind of smirk that can chill anyone to the core. But, the fact was that 'He understood her. She understood him.'

Her plan was simple to begin with. Lure the tiger in your cage & let him pounce on you. When the time's right, let the door close. She'll allow Peter to make a move in the first place & let him destroy his good impression in her eyes. This'll also make him lose her trust & friendship. Indeed, Ashton subjected her as 'beauty with brains'. From the very beginning, Fiona never trusted Peter wholeheartedly. She'd already saw his malicious intent beforehand & was waiting for him to reveal the tricks under his sleeves. Fiona was amused at this thought. It'd been a long time since she unleashed her black-bellied potential & finally she'd found herself an opportunity.

On the other hand, Ashton gave her this opportunity because he wanted to see this side of her. She's just began opening up to him & he didn't want her to shut her world without him. He wanted her to tell every deep secrets of her life, only to him. He wanted to be a part of her world from now on. He wanted to give her every happiness she deserved.