Chapter 2

then i left from Mr Park room

Then i bumped into someone


"Hey girl,i don't know from which hell you came but please stay away from my members because i don't like you,you bitch did you listen to me...don't even try to get"Jungkook said

"Huh, what do you mean by from which hell i came from...isn't that i should ask you...Whats your problem, i don't even disturb you then why you acted to cold to me huh?" I said and i added "Your friends are the one talk to me first not me right then why should you like a jerk" i just stared at him

" once i said stay away,you should just stay away...don't you dare ask me this kind of question,i think you don't know me well yet"he said angrily

"of course i don't know you because i just have transfered here"i said rudely...suddenly he slapped me ,i was so confused and scared

"why the hell did you slapped me"i ask then he said"you deserve it" then he go away

The bell rang so i went to my class then the teacher saw me and ask me is thet i'm the new student then i nodded and she ask me to introduce myself

"Hi guys i'm kim y/n, i'm new transfered student so please take care of me and i hope we can get along"then i saw jungkook,why the hell i same class with him...shit i'm gonna suffer in this class...ohh god please safe me from this jerk...then i saw some of the student like cheering to me and some doing like annoying face and continue their work

"Okay y/n i think you should sit beside jungkook because there is no place in front here"i do unexpected faced "okay teacher"

Then i went to sit next to him"hey bitch what a nice meet again" he smirked...."i just ignore him...the lesson was to tiring and boring and he still disturb me but i ignore him

~The ball rang its mean lunch time

I was about to go the canteen then he stopped me and warned that i should scared of him because he is the kingka of school....then i saw tzuyu and momo so i went to them...i don't know that they are same class as me

Jungkook POV

i was about to say sorry to her because of that slapped because her cheek is still red but i didn't at last i just warned her

after i warned her i went to canteen but through the way to canteen i was thinking why she is different then others girl because she don't scared at me at the same time felt guilty to at her

without i realized i already at canteen..then someone call me

"yah jungkook what are you thinking until you didn't realized us calling you"jimin said

"mianhae hyung,i was thinking something...let's go eat"i grab his hand and taehyung

after we all take our food then we sat together then suddenly jin asked and make me chokked my food

"where is y/n, why didn't you call her to have lunch together with us"

"why should i call her i don't like that bitch,she is just acting being a kind person" i said coldly

then they scolded me "she is good girl and watch your mouth too dude...she is better than other girl"suga said "whatever but i still don't like her"i continued to eat but i still know that they giving ma death glare but i ignore it


I went near them and touch both of their shoulder...they both shocked and turn behind..."who the hell is it" both of them say then they shout Y/N IS THAT YOU AGHHHH"they scream than i slapped both mouth then they hug me tightly until i can't breath

"yahh slow down girl i can't breath if you do like this"then both released that hug

"when you came here...why didn't you tell us you gonna came this school,how you been doing after you left korea and where you staying now?"Tzuyu pop up so many question

"yahh stop it,come follow me...we can lunch together and you can meet our members too...lets go"Momo grab my hand and go and tzuyu grab my another hand "you know what we miss so much" both of them said "i know but now i alreday here right"

~after break

I was so happy because i meet them back and have meet their members too so i was walking with them to the class then suddenly i stopped and tell them to go first because i want to go to toilet

"yaa new student come here"

"yaa are you deaf" another student said

"you girll nahh bitxh"she came near me and slapped at my cheek and another student were punch my stomach and they was telling me not to talk to jungkook...are they serious they just bit me because of this

i just stay silent but i cried non stop


I was near to the toilet but i heard some noise and cry stuff so i was about to go in then i saw Yeri and her gang walk outside so i went to see who is the victim then i saw y/n hugged herself and cried so hard with her bruises in her faced so i kneel down and ask her

"hey are you ok..lets go to the nurse room,your face have too many brusies it so bad...came i will sent you to the nurse room"

"No sokay,I'm ok it's just a lil bit...tq for being concerned" she was trying to stand up but at last she fainted so i was panic not know what to do so i went outside ask for help

Then i saw taehyung then i ask for his help...then thank god he help to carry her to the nurse room


Author Note

~i am sorry if i have any grammatical error or spelling error

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