Chapter 4

I yelled"you aghh why must be you among all" and he was shocked after see me 



i was so shocked after seeing she was y/n then i suddenly let go of that cookies maybe because i pity her because her looked was so pale and yes i saw her in the cafe earlier she was talking to taehyung  then i hide behind there and hear what they was talking then i know that taehyung help her in school thats why he was late to cafe....i dont know why suddenly i feel so bad for her..then i realized where  am i and the reality was you now in a supermarket so you looked back at her then she looked at you annoyed 

"i'm so sorry you can take it if you want"i said that and bowed at her then left from there, she was about to tell something but i already left because i don't wan to heard what she gonna said

after i paid my stuff and things i left from the supermarket


why he suddenly acted to weird to me and he said sorry to me out of nowhere then i realized he already left and pay his stuff and i saw his handkerchief fall down so i quickly grabbed it and put into my bag then i payed my stuff and lefted to find him.he was walking to a store so i run a little bit to catch him 

then i saw him was eating  ramen infront the store so i go to him,cleared my throat and said scaredly "jungkook ahh,this is your handkerchief right...just now you dropped this in the supermarket" he just glared at me and sai

"ouhh yes it is mine,thank you...for giving it to me back"he smiled at me for the first time then suddenly my phone rang

"yup, never mind...bye i got to go"



me: hello mom

mom:hello honey,where are you now?

me:i'm on the way back to home...wae?

mom: ouhh okay mom and dad need to talk to safe kayh

me: arraseo mom i will be back now

*end of phone call

while i was walking to my home i feel so strange because i feel someone following me but there is no one...then quickly i walk back to my house


"mom i'm back"

"ouhh sweety come sit here with us cuz we have something to discuss with you"

i put my stuff on the dining table then sat on the sofa with them"yes what you guys wanna talk about"

"okay honey we will go for a business trip at London for 3 weeks,so do you want to follow us or stay here and we will go there the next tomorrow"

"huh why so long?but i think i will just stay here because i have school...sorry mom dad i can't follow you this time"

"sokay honey because i and your mom also decide that at first" dad said

"but you must promise us that you will take care of yourself and will be safe here" mom and dad said

"okay mom dad i will take care of myself"i said and give them a smile

"okay sweetheart it already late you have to go and sleep...goodnight,sweet dream"

i went to my room and change my clothes to pajamas then i sleep


I woke up early so i take a bath and wear my uniform.i do my morning routine then i take a breakfast with my family then i lefted  to school 


i saw mina lonely so i went near her and greet "good morning" she said the same back

"hey y/n lets go to the cafeteria since it's still early"

"yup,lets go"


i and mina were walking while talking together then someone yelled my name


"ouhh hey momo" i went to them while mina follow me

"so you already have a new friend huh"tzuyu said

"yup, her name is mina and mina this is tzuyu,momo,sana,dahyun,jihyo,chaeyoung,jeongyeon and naeyon and their group name is twice"

"ohh hi i'm mina"

"hi lets join us in our group and yeah we can become a friends too"twice said

"huh guys can you guys go ahead first and i wanted to borrow tzuyu and momo for awhile"i said "and mina you can stay here for awhile"

"you can borrow them but don't steal them yaa....hhahahahhaha" jihyo said

"no just for a while...i won't steal them from you guys....hhahahaha"


tzuyu and momo :so what you want to share with you have any problems and why are your hand and legs was think we didn't see that huh?

me: yes i have problem,i don't know what to do and you guys know that i have some trauma about my brother so i'm so scared right now

yess i have some trauma because of my brother i used to have brother but he has run away from house past 2 years ago and didn't come back after that..he ran away because of heart broken with his ex-girlfriend and also he has been abused by some fuck boys in school so he has too much of depress then he thought he have been burden my parents and he ran away but i miss him so much


Author Note

-thank you for your vote and feedbacks

~i will try to update frequently