Chapter 6

*i closed the door

why i have a bad feeling maybe because i already miss them

then suddenly my phone rang



me: hello,who is this

***:hello,this is me momo...i and tzuyu are in front of your house

me: ohh, i thought someone else...wait i'll come and open the door

momo: ppali...arreseo

end call

then i heard someone singing while knocking the door and it was momo, tzuyu and mina

#Knock Knock -Twice

me :"yahh stop it and come in"i was laughing so hard

mina: "yahh hajima....don't laugh at us cuz we know our voice are so sweet"and the others nodded for agree

me: "arreseo aresseo i will stop" still laugh a little bit"okay come i will show your room then lets go out to buy some food to eat cuz i'm to lazy to cook and i will treat you guys today"

mimotzu: "yeahhh, we can eat free food today...muahh saranghe y/n ahh"they was cheering

me:"aishh jinjja,aigoo let's put your thing first"

after they put their thing in the room neatly then we plan to go to the mall cuz they said want to shopping and eat there so we get ready and closed the door properly


Momo: "it have been long time since we go shopping"we nodded

me:"so we gonna eat first or go shopping first"

mimotzu:"SHOPPING"they yelled

me : "no need to shout...i'm being like a mom right now"i said then they laugh then also laugh together

Tzuyu: "arreseo y/n omma"

then we walk inside a cloth store

Tzuyu: "yahh y/n you need to change your fashion then only many boys will follow you"she smirk at me

momo and mina : "yes,you have to change your fashion sense "

me: "i don't want because i love my fashion now"

mimotzu: "no you must to change"

me:"okay cuz i always have to give up with you guys"i gave up on them

they past me so many dresses,sleeveless shirts and shorts

me: "why your dress are so short" i said

mimotzu:"you have to follow our instruction"

at last i wore what they hand in to me and it is pretty and cute too

i wore this and we went shopping then they was buying so much stuff just because they want me to change my personality of fashion after we buy so many things we feel so hungry so i treat them for dinner we was gossiping so many things then they ask me so many weird question

mina: "do you like jungkook even though he bully you"

tzuyu: "i can see like you have a crush on him" actually yes

me: "hmm no i don't like him cuz he hurt me though so why should i like him"

momo: "admit it that you like him but you just din't wanna show it"

me "whatever guys i just don't want to get in trap"

mimotzu: okay we understand

me: "mina do you like taehyung by an chance"

mina: "haa me no why should i" her cheeks so red like a tomato

Me : "just admit it because i can see from the way you look at him"

momo and tzuyu : "wahhh"

Mina: "is is too obvious, actually yes i have a crush on him since last year"she said shyly

we cheered for mina then i excused my self to pay the bill and after i payed i go to the washroom to wash my hand then went i come out i found jungkook he also come out from the washroom we did an eye contact but i walk away and sat with them again

we sat there and chit chat together then my phone rang it is an unknown number

Mina : "who is that"

me: "idk cuz it is unknown"

tzuyu and momo: just pick up

* unknown phone call

me: "hello, who is this"

***: "hello is this Mrs and Mr.Kim daughter"

me: "yes, who is this "

***: " we want you to come to the hospital ***** now"

me : "why and who are you"

***: " your parents are involve in an accident so please come now they are in critical situation"my eyes started to tears then i cry

me : "okay i will be there soon"


i cry so much then i tell them about it and they try to consoled me then we go to the hospital immediately then....