Chapter 9


i still can't believe on what happen just now even mimotzu crying but they kept on giving me support when i arrive home i just sat on the couch and thinking how i'm going to live without my parents cuz before this everything they will buy for me but now i have to stay on my own..where i want to find a job and how i gonna work cuz before this i never have done that

mina:"y/n ahh you should eat something i will make you some food you have to eat it then sleep"

momo:"yes you have to eat a little bit and tomorrow do you want to go school"

tzuyu:"you no need to go,i will accompany you at home,ok"

me:" okay i will eat and tzuyu yaa you can go to school i will be ok here"

tzuyu:"no you can's stay here alone i will stay here with you"

momo:"me too"

mina:"me three"

tzuyu:"no one of you must go cuz you have to inform teacher that y/n parents are died and there is funeral tomorrow so y/n will not able to go to school until she recovered "

momo:"then i and mina will go to school together and inform the teacher and principal then we will in the funeral"


me:"i'm so sorry,i already disturb you guys with may thing...i'm such a burden to you guys...i'm so sorry and tomorrow i will follow you guys to meet with the teacher"

mimotzu:"y/n ahh we are friends so there is nothing disturb us or anything you make us feel burden..ok"

mina:"are you sure you want to came to school and meet the teacher"

me:" yes"

mimotzu: "arreseo if that what you want but we will follow you but now you have to sleep cuz tomorrow going to be along day and i have inform my parents about you so don't worry we will stay with you"

me:"ok thanks guys"

momo:"now let's go to sleep"

~my room

i was crying silently cuz i don't want to wake up them. I miss my parent so much, i love them so much and now my plan is to my find a job cuz i need to be independent and i also need to fi nnd my brother cuz that is what my parents wants me to do and i also have to be stronger and have to get over with everything happen and have to go with new life but i still crying like a baby cuz it's to early for me to live on my own but my friends are still with me and giving me support so i take the positive and leave the negative.....i will miss you mom and dad

~The next day

i woke up but i can't open my eyes then i see in my mirror my eyes was swollen but i just put some concealer after i take my bath then went down

mina:"i have doned breakfast so come and eat with us together"then i walked and sit next to tzuyu

tzuyu:" did you cry yesterday cuz your eyes is swollen"

me:"yes i cried yesterday nights, is't too obvious"

momo:"quite obvious but never mind, now we have to go to school then to mortuary for your parents funeral"


i entered the school then they was gossiping why my eyes swollen

***1:"hey y/n do you breakup with boyfie"

***2:"this bitch will never have a boyfriend"

***3:"so pity her,she just look like a beggar"

they all laughing at me then i burst into tears

....:"can you guys stop bullying her,don't you guys have your own life" someone said it