Chapter 15

then i tell to mimotzu they was shocked but happy at the same time cuz they know where is my brother is


then there is a discussion about BTS going to to moved to my house because they said that it's not safe for me and mimotzu to stay alone here because we are girl and i agree with it

~After 1 weeks

me:"Tomorrow i wanted to go to school and i have been getting a job in a cafe because the owner of the cafe is Chanyeol father so chanyeol offered me to work there by tomorrow too"

everyone shock then a silent situation then RM broke the silent

RM:" are you sure you going to work and going to school at the same time"

me:"yes because i need to survive on my own"


me:"why you guys looks so down...i need your support"

Tzuyu:"not that we don't like what you wanna do but your'e stll young,but you need to suffer like this and we will always support you so don't think negative ways"

Jk:"i and we will help you to go,through this way,okay...we all will go through every pain you had now, aresseo"

me:"Thank you guys, i love you all"

~The next day

We all walks to school while talking

me:"i'm so exicted to go to school" actually i scared to faced everyone but i have to cover my feelings

mina: "of course, you didn't go for 2 weeks so thats why you miss your school but the class is so bored"

tzuyu:"yes, everyone miss you too at school"

jin:"i also miss you in school, you know"

V:"me too"

jimin:"you see everyone miss you"

me:"ohh guys be chill, i just absent for 2 weeks not 2 years...hahahahha, idk you all love me like this"

suga:"yaahh thats not a joke so don't laugh"

me:" aresseo,mianhae"


when i was entering the school i saw principal then everyone greeted Mr Park then he talked to me

Mr Park: "y/n your'e back...omg i can't believe your'e back to school...i hope you will be okay after, i miss you so much...welcome to school sweety"

me:" yaa i'm back as new y/n...thank you sir"

Mr Park: "okay take care kay"



everyone run to me ask me if i'm okay or not...i was shocked with their behavior because before this they not like this

everyone:"y/n are you okay, we want to say sorry for what happen and we hope you could forgive us for what we did before this...we realized that we are so cruel towards you"

me:"sokay guys i have forgive and now let's be friends kay"

everyone:"thanks y/n, we promise to be a good friend to you"


the class going so boring then suddenly someone is snoring and it was jungkook he was sleeping then i just watch him sleeping he looks so handsome when he sleep

jk:"how long will you look at me like that"

me:"anni, i didn't look at you i just look the board"

jk:"just don't lie"

me:"fine, yes i look at you ishh"

jk:"see i told you that you were looking at me"

me:"okok,the class were boring then i heard that you were snoring so thats why i look at you"

jk:"ouhh i'm sorry for snoring"

me:"nothing about it"

-Lunch time

now twice and bts sat together so i went to their place then i heard they were talking something but when go there they stop it but i don't care so i just sat there

me:"why you guys are so quite"

*no respond

me:"hello is anyone there, why are you guys avoiding me"

*still no respond...then i just ate silently then i went to toilet


yeri:"y/n ahh i'm sorry for what i doned to you before this too yaa"

me:"sokay i have forgive you already"

red velvet:"we also want to say sorry ya...i hope we can be friend"

me:"ya i have forgive you guys too..yaa we can be friend"

then i went to class the class is going on as before but they all still ignore me, i just don't know why they are avoid me


they are still avoiding me so i just stay in the room...i just can't understand why they are avoiding even i don't do anything wrong or make they hurt because me...i'm so confused

there is a message on the fridge that told me to go to one hotel address because they have some urgents thing to talk and please where nicely because there is officers

then i also get ready to go there

i wore this long gown there


Before i went up someone call my name from back and it's Chanyeol

                           .           To Be Continued...


Author's Note

-Hey guys i'm back...i'm so sorry because i can't update for few weeks because i have exam

-I will continue my story back