sp00 02, Glimpse to Prelude


Glimpse to Prelude

We've wondered where?

Has everything came from the light or dark?

Or otherwise, from the void.

But ticking of time has been going on, as inanimate had begun to exist, until life started to assimilate, either vice versa.

Theories have been expecting many possibilities.

Some worlds are full of lives; however, cruel.

As knowledge will fuse to any feelings and might care to anything; it can be safe, either more dangerous or just passive.

All had started from a single dot— this what someone has been believed in —and continuously branching to different kind of species acquiring: strength will stand at the top, knowledge can trick everything, senses will prompt for an action, instinct always values existence, body the material they've embodied, and abilities make them special.

He's been a bit jealous yet thoughtful for at least he can satisfy anything he has. But urge can be more greedy, either just evil or good.

As he roams into another place where ease, cowering about the pain that he wants to forget; he unexpectedly stumbles on an event that he is needed.

His motto: If my zjjan stays still, I'm invincible!

What will happen to his life...
