sp03 01, He meets her very weird


He Meets Her Very Weird

Landed somewhere, Jaino suffers a motion sickness. His stomach recoils and his cervix he feels weird. His mouth is resisting. He vomits those… "Seriously, I thought I got her, however—" And he vomits again those... "Ugh… ahh… what's happening to me and where am I?" He palms to his forehead; and yet, again, he vomits those… and his body shivers.

Walking woozily and he rushes to a tree. As he continues walking, he keeps rushing to a tree. Cracking and minimize noises of uprooting roots are ringing to his attention.

He stands and he stretches himself. He shakes his head. He warms up his shoulders until he comes back to his senses. Just he notices, it's already dark. "How comes it's already dark?" And every single tree he sees is leafless.

Arising and uprooting, their roots become feet. Their body can bent. And their branches are arms and fingers. He looks and they're bunch behind, making his eyes much wide open, weird... "Oh sh*t… Run!" Running onward; every tree, he has passed, becomes alive after him.

A giant turtle— has a face like lizard and has a long tail —is drinking the water by the river. Noticing Jaino is heading near, it's startled and going to escape—it slips into the river.

"Hey! Wait for me! You dare leaving me behind! I'm going to roast you alive!"

Ignoring… as it swims slowly and peacefully… away from that sloped filed of rocks… gladly...

Boosting his speed as he could— I'll really roast you. I'll roast you after this. —he jumps...

...his shadow is crawling fast as the giant turtle has startled. Its long neck twists, and its eyes see what's behind. It's agitated. It draws its body to bite the young man...

...the turtle misses as Jaino manages to cling to its neck.—they've rolled, springing, hovering into the air… They are unstoppably rolling and springing again onto the water surface... 'til they've reached outside, the other side of the river. He's uncontrollably rolling, until he bumps into the slope ground. "Ouch!"

Angry but afraid, the turtle howls at him. Concurrently Jaino has stricken; and with his hands and heels, himself he pushes away from the creature until he bumps to a tree. The turtle howls and howls as it draws back... And it swims into the river.

He exhales, inhales. He feels relief… "Well, thanks anyway."

Realizing that the darkness disappeared, he stands up slowly while he's gazing at the other side of the river… No trees he has seen without leaves. Dumbfounded. "I must be hallucinating."

Putting away the feeling of suspicion, he continues to walk.

Across at the path until he reaches outside the trees, he's now standing in front of an abandon mansion and a well in front of him. However, what amazes him is the wide grassy plain—he's feeling ignorant.

Inhaling the waves of fresh air, his arms he stretches up high…

He goes to an abandon mansion. Silent is deafening... And only the tweets of birds and the screakings of insects are intensifying the surroundings.

As he opens the door; without any doubt, he enters without hesitate. The door shuts! Suddenly. Quickly he evades as a plate of blade with handle boomerangs and sticks in the door. The floor becomes wetly flesh and even the wall. What the— blood? —sticky and nasty, he tries to remove it from his hand, gross…

"To be able to reach me here, you're quite an impressive Norim. And to miss my favorite long throw, I've failed as a Hammer Blade Master." She's smiling. On the second floor, she's standing, leaning her elbows onto the railings.

Hammer Blade Master, A warrior lady/ies who wield/s axe like, scythe a like and etc., as long as it can rotate it to their hand. They're good on epic dancing that their body figures and outstanding steps can astound the viewers. But they're dangerous assassins. They'd trained merciless by the old ancient times; but, thousands of years had buried their history into forgottenness.

She is glowing pale, has black long hairs, has beautiful black eyes however always merciful, and she has a good face. She's wearing a fancy dress; yet, her seductive belly is showy.

He stands while the lady appears in front. She shows her hand asking for a hand shake. He's curious. It was not like this when facing to a girl before.

"I'm Criselia Sone."

He shows his hand covered by filthy and sticky thing; however, he's very skeptical. She grabs it without hesitate.

He feels her hand cold, weird, made him shivered and afraid. "I'm Jaino, Diarke…" His lips feel cold. He tries to remove her hand however he can't touch it; only she can grab him. "What's with you?"

Happily, she looses her hand as she distances herself. Wide arms open as she walks in a circling motion, she swirls and swirls. And she stops. —her attention towards at the amazed Jaino. "Well, well, I'll straight into the point. Grant me your help and satisfy my urge, and I'll grant you one wish and free you alive, how is it?"

He thinks, She is Dralk. "Explain yourself?"

"It's a private matter, so… how about I tell you, hmn… I've been stuck like this from long many years ago, and I can't go away far from my body to ask help."

"A witch? An old hag?"

"…you're rude! Rude! Rude! Rude! Is my beauty really not enough to attract a man?"

"Rather than attract, it's unpleasant. Moreover, for you living this kind of place, it's creepy. You even made me shiver and fright."

"Ah? Can't be helped… allow me to show my body..."

Expecting her to undress, he sees a hole opens onto the fleshly floor. A bed elevates and settles. And the hole disappears.

His eyes are much wide open. And after he has vomited again, he shuts his eyes. Kneeling and shaken, his arms are shivering trying to crawl away from that lady. His chest feels the pain. He's horrified.

The woman appears as she hunkers into his front. The walls disappear and everything becomes dark except to where they are. Considering the cold is heavy to his shoulders and mind. "Where do you try to go?"

She's horrible! She brutally murdered her twin. He vomits... yet nothing has gone out. "Grant me first and I'll grant yours." His head is heavy and dizzy. His view revolves, stops and restores—in repetition. His head is aching. He closes his eyes. He's shaking his head. His throat is sour. He doesn't have any choice.

"Speak loud."

"Protect me and be my support."

"Oh, huh? That's twice, but sure." She appreciates gladly as she stands with arms wide open, evoking a job well done. Her hands she unites behind her waists. Happily yet mysteriously, she swirls and swirls. She faces Jaino. "I'm being generous here; you could wish to use my strength to conquer this world, y'know?"

"What do you mean?"

The fog appears surrounding the water, the isles, and the islands. She says, "Look, I'll show you this once. This is what our world is like, plain isn't it? Well, that's what we believe in. I can destroy it if you want." Then the images disappear.

"You're insane."

"But your wish is too small, like this." As she shows her fingers gap around half an inch near his weary eyes. She covers her palm to his vision. "Now sleep well. I'll use your blood and resurrect myself…"

Each person has the unique fear(s)

It is not always in the dark

Beware, it's stalking everywhere
