sp04 01 03, Pursuant


He groans; as, he regains consciousness. Hearing the rumblings of dried branches, he thinks, those are eaten by fire.

A sweet voice attracts his attention from a lullaby sung by a lady.

How wonderful it is to feel like a child; but cold of numbness on his head causes mental block. He himself realizes the laziness of his body, considering his eyes are hard to lift.

The vocal volume is raising slowly as he can feel that someone sits near his waistline.

Acknowledging that a wide leaf is what he has laying at. The songstress chuckles. "I know you're awake. Just stay still, I'm gathering the roasted-meat's juice. Perhaps after you regain strength, you'll aid me at my urge." Yes, he knows that lady is Criselia, but he is tired to quetch. His lips are dried, sticking together. He maneuvers his hands to locate this lady. "Hey, stop that. I'm not pregnant."

His hand jerks back. Blistering of embarrassment— "Sh-shut up. Don't, don't stop singing."

"Oh, I'm not your mother." Criselia laughs. "But I can be one someday."

"I'm not interested at your aspiration. Live well in your desire, nobody own the world. Just let me hear your song, it's easing me… Come on, wannabe…"

"Do you like my voice?" Silent. She feels tiny depressed. She just starts the intro. —Jaino moans as he crawls. He lays his head to her legs. — The lady has paused and smiles. "Geez, you're such a child."

"Please continue." —And Criselia heeds Jaino's request gladly. — How beautiful… like my mother…

Her voice is resonating a little, but her soft accent is winning the atmosphere, whereas the environment seems like uncanny. The fire is roasting the nearby sirloin stuck on a bamboo; where, that bamboo's cut edge is propped above the perpendicular bamboos, and its other end is propped on the ground.

The sweats are dropping from that sirloin and caught by a bowl-size hard fruit shell.

Moderate warm air from not far scorching is helping the song for him to rest well.

The tasty smell is easing his hunger, and the warm of Criselia's legs are making him comfortable.

After an hour, as he regains his strength, Criselia allows him to eat. The roasted-meat's juice gives tears to his eyes whereas the lady is enjoying the scene. They've chatted and their topic reaches to Criselia urge.

"I want to know if you're now willing to fulfill our agreement," Criselia has asked.


"Why? Is there anything you need? Or are you afraid of something?"

"I only wish to be alone and wander to a new place where I could live in peace. I already witness too much cruelty in this life, and my job does the same. So, well, thanks for your effort; however, you can't pursue me to assist about your problems. So, forgive me if I'm being selfish here." Jaino raises and warms up. "So, it's now parting time, see you, I hope, we could meet sometime again."

Silent as Criselia gazes mischievously.

As he has begun to walk; the place becomes the sky, surrounded by the clouds. Fright is all over himself as he feels gravitated, but he seems not falling. Even the wind is heavy to his body. He sees that lady narrowed her eyes, gazing down at the wide island. "Prepare yourself. I'll give you a new life," Criselia has said.

Denial has with a reason(s)

Observant sees those potential

Agreements are must be comply