sp04 02 09, Fate of the Karagana Tribe

Fate of the Karagana Tribe

Way back to the bay— as the night's gentle sea waves splash and fizz into the rocks and into the sand —on this third isle of four neighboring islets—onto this north; away from the northern region of the wide island.

Cool sea breeze is blowing as long palm trees—their leaves and branches are swaying as the pinnacle of their body do the same—slowly swaying by the wind flow.

Distant sounds from grumbling of drums and joyous choruses are indication of decisive feast—despite the loss of their numbers.

The rows and columns of tents— temporary shelter for those survivors from the neighboring isles —prevail the alertness and well preparedness of these residents.

And to the center— where grayish-white towering whirling smoke gently ascending to the sky from the scorching of this house-like file of logs, surrounds by different attired and no-attired dancers, revolving while dancing on their cultural steps as the fine soothing sounds whistle from the flute masters —of this evacuation area; here, the people are lively celebrating of their unity.

Foods, chats, and etc., are the third attention of this gathering.

Through the distance lies the houses of the true dwellers. One among the houses; on its window; gazing at the outside, the man clothing with white silky leisure wear, named Jin Kin Do, is current head of the tribe.

From behind, a woman goes near and cuddles onto him; and she whispers near his ear, "Jin—" Her breath hisses in dismay.

"Llisca, it's for you and for our child."


"You're brighter than among the Elders. You only have one task for us; for our child; for the future of our tribe. I'll leave everything for you. Educate our son well."

"That's—" She mumbles, "I'll be missing you..." Her tears flow from her eyes. "But, if this must be done; then, let me have you for this last night."

Rolling back for the topics in the nearing noon, before noon; Jin Kin has faced the meeting of the elders; as he, head of the karagana tribe, has the obligation, for the tribe and the kingdom; it has been decided since from their ancestor; that once the heaven and earth have meet, a war must be put to end.

For everyone's support, I must

For everyone's smile, it must

For them who paint me, I'll do it