sp04 03 03, Maritis Perseverance

Maritis Perseverance

The night one day ago, before the morning that Jaino had awakened on Criselia's lap Flashback 03~

As Maritis manages to avoid the attack, her eyes notice at faraway the other lusus turns its eyes back at her. She inhales and holds her breathe; for this transforms the collision of her body like a ghost. The lusus faraway suddenly fades and disappears. Zooming of wind and booming sounds travel all over the cave's chamber. From the distance away behind from Maritis, the wide part of wall cracks and has hollowed by the spear— wielded by a lusus —that digs deeply onto the wall's surface.

Maritis disappears. She appears— hunkering while one of her hand on the ground —a distance far away from the front of the eyes-closed old man. She turns and raises, and she faces this old man while she breathes. She thinks, It's no good. If this goes on; he would notice my weakness and I can't anticipate his attack.

"You're. untouchable. little one. But, I'm fair enough. And fear me enough. Your dagger is useless on my subordinates' muscles. Why did you challenge me?" has asked by the eyes-closed old man.

Those two Lususes walk near behind the old man; they have stood each into the old man's left and right side.

"First, tell me, why are you trying to assassinate the prince?" has asked by Maritis.

"Little one. I ask you. Don't give me a question."

"You are, with the scheme."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. This. is. my. territory. You, intruder."

"Then, I have nothing to tell you."

"Very well, have fun with your friends." On each of their stance, those lususes each arrives quickly into each Maritis side nearby, and they swing their spears.

This Maritis appears above behind at one of the Lususes and she throws the knife to the old man. She thinks, I can do it.

Amused, this old man raises his hand as his fingers try to grip the air. "Useless. attack." But the knife continues in pace. He thinks, It. didn't. stop.

The knife passes through across his head, and to the distance the dagger digs in the ground.

My goodness! It fails. I need more practice for this, has thought by Maritis as she has landed to the ground. The nearby lusus swings his spear whereas Maritis has jumped. Hearing the booming above the ceiling, this Maritis kicks the face of the lusus nearby, this pushes herself away. In front of her, a distance to her view and body; a spear digs the ground and the wielder has landed.

Maritis tumbles into the ground. After she has settled, she disappears. She appears to where her knife with blade buried on the ground. She draws her knife; she stands and stares at her opponents. She thinks, Imbuing the right duration of ghost-like collision to other objects is difficult to achieve. But, this is my only option to overcome this battle. I just hope, jet lag won't ever affect to me right now, either I won't be drown into the other space.

Note: Imbuing ghost-like collision, is the ability of Medou to disembody other objects in a certain duration, yet it retains the objects' image.

"You've impressed me, little one," has said by the eyes-closed old man, still wouldn't move or just turn around from his current position. "I suppose, I give you a hint.

"Killing the prince, shall give your queen the answer of her current problems. I know the current state of our problems. I have many informants all over the castle. Their loyalty affix to me. I already live two centuries, so I have met the two previous queens; and I know everything about the queen, the third one that I had met, the mother of our current queen. So little one, why are you confronting me?"

Maritis responds, "A mere criminal trying to help the kingdom, what the hell." She hears the old man loudly laughs. "I'm here to have your head and present it to my queen."

This old man turns and faces Maritis. "Since you have at least a tiny chance of winning. As pity, I'll accept your challenge. I am Eladin Ka Novah, a sprit. I'll be your opponent. Entertain me little one."

Sprit, they are norims gifted with strength, psychic, and spirit; and can live centuries.


Battle(s) must have conversation(s)

along by reason(s) of important(s)

for all can accept the outcome(s)