Chapter 25: Getting to the village

From the moment that Don Yuki started to go towards the participation of the red monkey mountain he did not stop

Their breaks were just to feed themselves and sleep as little as possible

Even being twice as fast as before, it still took him 1 month to find something in front of him

"Book? What is this?" Asked Don Yuki

"I do not know boy, I've always been at that altar" answered the book

He was really telling the truth, after all he had never left the altar

"I'll change the question ... What do you think it is?" Don Yuki spoke

"Did you notice that walking so far we have not found anything? If we take into account that we came from a place inhabited, outside our place until now we found nothing beyond this path and mountains"

"I have a hunch," said the damn book.

"Say," replied Don Yuki.

"There is something or someone protecting the entrance of this participation" said the book

"WOULD THE RED MONKEY BE?" Questioned Don excited Yuki

But I still do not think that's it ... After all there are no people here, so he should have killed them all right, but what would be the reason for life to the east end? Said the book

"You're right! If there was a being like a murderous monkey, he would probably have exterminated the master and the others"

"In addition to that the master had said that even some imperial ones attend his tower of the formation of cultivation"

Don Yuki had learned from his master the name of that tower

"Hehe! Until you have intelligence, boy," said the book.

"How funny!" Don Yuki said wryly

After completing his comments with the book, he headed toward his destination again

And so continued Don Yuki for a long time on his way ...

In fact, it had already been a month, it took a month before Don Yuki finally found something

'' Book, look! '' Said Don Yuki

'' I do not own eyes, you idiot '' The book Cursed

'' Ah ... hehe '' Disguised Don Yuki

The book really had no eyes, for having a soul, he could use Qi to generate sound waves, thus communicating and also using Qi, to recreate the image in his head, this was the form of the damn book identify the environment around you.

'' Anyway, you get it! I think we got somewhere, '' said Don Yuki.

'' Maybe my guess was correct, there really is something isolating the entrance, '' said the book.

'' Hm '' nodded Don Yuki

Don Yuki kept walking for a while, after a short time he actually came to a different scene

It was a wall built of trees! In fact trunks, these trunks were about 25 feet high were thick.

The most curious thing was that all the trunks had the same characteristics, they were all uniformed

This wall was horizontally extensive, it probably had about 2km and in its center was a wooden door

The door was not as big as the trees, this door was 10 meters high and 15 meters long, enough for normal people to cross

On top of this door had huts and there were people

Yes, people, humans! They were the first people Don Yuki had seen from the tower.

'' WHO ARE YOU STRANGE? TELL WHERE YOU GO! "Shouted a watchman.

'' My name is Don Yuki! I came from the East, I'm on my way to the imperial city! "Said Don Yuki

He decided it would be better to tell the truth, after all, what would be the advantage in lying? If they thought he was an enemy and attacked it, it would be detrimental to him, since in the end he was in an unknown territory

Aside from that Don Yuki could not say who was the strongest in that place, while he was a Rank 8 of the Primordial Kingdom, he could tell that those vigilantes were only warriors

But how special were the warriors? They were no longer ordinary humans.

If there are warriors, they most likely passed through a tower, who does not guarantee there are growers? And how strong would they be?

They were all questions that Don Yuki could not answer ...

"IMPERIAL CITY?" Questioned the lookout

"Hm," nodded Don Yuki.

* Prrrr *

After Don Yuki nodded, the wooden door opened.

When it opened completely, there was a guard, he gave another air, much stronger than those lookouts! He was probably a cultivator

Then he said aloud, because of the distance


"Idiot, get ready! This guard has no good intentions," said the cursed book.


Shortly after the book warned, the guard punched forward

* Fuuuuh *

A stream of wind came toward Don Yuki

This chain was enough to throw him back by meters

"Rank 3 Primordial Division?!" Thought Don Yuki

Then he opened his hand and pushed her forward.


A bang was heard when the wind crashed with the hand of Don Yuki

Don Yuki was intact.

That current of air no longer existed, was annulled by the hand of Don Yuki

"Hm ?!" The guard was surprised.

"BOY WHO ARE YOU?" Questioned the guard

"Who gave you the right to ask me this question?" Don Yuki spoke

Since he was attacked, he would not be careless with his enemy

Then he formed a seal with his finger and spoke

"Enchanting stream of air!"

* Fuuuuah *

A draft of air much stronger than the one the guard used appeared! She was summoned by Don Yuki

This was not a mere draft created by the impact of a punch / palm, but an enchantment! The first spell Don Yuki learned.

"E-HOPE!" Even before the guard spoke, a draft reached him.

Don Yuki was controlling that chain by the seal in his hand.

"Raise !" Don Yuki said

* Fuuuuh *

The current of air raised that guard about 10 meters

"N-no!" Tried to tell the guard

* Paaah *

The guard fell from a height of 10 meters!

He was shaking on the floor.

"T-so f-strong !!"

"C-how's that possible ?! You're so young, but you're already a martial cultivator!" Did that guard

"Shut up!" Don Yuki said

"I'll cross, whether you want it or not!"

And then he started walking toward that open door, all the lookouts did not dare say anything

"P-Please wait !!!" Said that guard as he got up, he was after Don Yuki

"Do you want to die ?" Don Yuki said, and then looked at the guard.

* Fzz *

All the hairs of that guard shivered, he was very afraid of Don Yuki

"I would never dare go against you again, little friend!" The guard said

"Then so be it" Turned Don Yuki again


"Do not go out like that, I can help you get out of this place, if you do that, it will be harmful only to you," said the guard.

"Hm ?!" Turned Don Yuki

"Will you help me?" Asked Don Yuki

"Hm," nodded the guard.

"What would you gain in helping me?" Don Yuki said

"We guards, we can not let anyone enter our territory, so I tested it earlier ... I would invite you, after you block or dodge, but you just did not listen to me" If lamented the guard

"I will not gain anything, there are people going towards the imperial city, passing by here is inevitable! As a guard, my duty is to protect this entrance, as well as to receive illustrious guests ..." Said the guard

"Right .. I'll trust you!" Don Yuki spoke

"Hm," nodded the guard.

"Come on, I have to take you to the rest"

Did the guard speak?

"Let's go!" Don Yuki nodded.

And so they went forth.

It was a very well organized place, it had plantations, people working in buildings, people caring for animals and other activities.

This place was a great village!

Then the guard took Don Yuki to a large center, in this center there were some pillars and small statues of a red monkey

"Little friend, wait a little, I'll call the representatives, they'll show you the village better," said the guard.

"Hm," nodded Don Yuki.

In his situation, he had already accepted that he would be treated as an illustrious guest

And by the fact that he has been walking to this day, he really needed adequate rest

"I'll be back soon!" The guard spoke again, and then he departed in the other direction.

Don Yuki had to wait for a brief moment, he stayed there in that center for about half an hour

At that time he observed the people around him and realized that they were ordinary people and that most of them looked ... There were really many people, and most of them looked like they had some kinship

Don Yuki had to wait for some more time, until he listened

"Little friend, I came back!" That guard said as he approached

As he drew closer, Don Yuki realized that behind him were other people

None of these people were ordinary, they were all martial cultivators!