Great War and Death

In a wide grassland which is now filled with blood, you can see fallen angels, devils, angels and other factions fighting each other while the dragons are doing their own fight. Great Red fighting the Ouroboros Dragon and the Red Dragon Emperor fighting the White Dragon Emperor while Tiamat is fighting with other dragons.

This is the Great War of all. The war where they'll fight until the end, except for a young man sitting at the branch of a big tree. He was watching the war while eating an apple. He had a white shoulder-length hair in a ponytail and his red bloody eyes looking at the scene in front of him. He's wearing a white loose kimono with red ribbon outlines and inside of the kimono he's wearing a tight black suit. He had his black katana that can change into any weapons he wants. He is Azrail Anpu Erysichton, the others call him the ' Death God ' and ' Manipulator God '. Despite his appearance, he is 422 years old man.

Azrail sighed and take a bite at his apple once again and said, " How long this war will end? I'm getting tired, actually. "

Suddenly a white snake with red eyes hissed and said, " Manipulate time, duh? Fast forward this damn war! I am also getting tired of it! ". The snake is a familiar, she's Kaliya also known as the ' Serpent of Death '. She can also change her appearance anytime she wants.

Azrail hummed and said, " I think it will end, later. I should just wait and watch them. "

" I don't know why I fucking chose you as my master? ", Kaliya said and hissed as she bites Azrail's hand.

"Ow... That hurts, you know? ", Azrail said and paused for a moment and said, " I also wonder why did I choose you to become my familiar?".


A big fireball throws on a tree beside them. Azrail looks at the one who throws the fireball, it was great red.

Azrail frowned and said, " Dammit. We were almost hit by that shit! "

Kaliya rolled her eyes and said, " Are you an idiot? If you were hit by that you won't die! "

Azrail rolled his eyes and watch the war, again. He saw Great Dragon change into his human form as well as the Orobouros dragon.

" Seems their out of stamina", Azrail said then smirk, " Time to stop this. "

" [Time: Stop ] ", Azrail cast in the whole area. The fight stopped and Azrail jumped towards the fight. He smirked and looked at his serpent who transformed into a human. She has now a white waist-length hair and red eyes.

Kaliya smirked and said, " This is what I really like about your magic. "

Kaliya looks around as she looked at the devils who jumped and stopped midair. Kaliya flicks one of the devil's forehead and the devil flies over the tree. Kaliya said, " Ooppsiee ~ "

Azrail rolled his eyes, " back to work, Kaliya. Kill half of the devils, vampires, youkai,nekoshou, and arachnes. I'll be killing the fallen angels, angels, foxes, and humans. Also damaging a little the Great Red, Ophis, Satan, God, Red Dragon Emperor, White Dragon Emperor, and Tiamat. After that, I'll be changing their memories. They'll be ending with a draw. "

Kaliya looks at him and she suggested something, " You know, just kill Satan and God. I'm sure they'll be changing the future "

Azrail smile, " Nice suggestion there, Kaliya. ". Azrail looks at the fallen angels and said, " I should half fallen angels, first. " then he started to attack fallen angels.

" [ Space: Void: Devour Fallen angels ] " he cast and suddenly a black circular space appeared. The black circular space devours the Fallen angels. Azrail said, " One down. Next, Angels. "

" [ Creation: Light spears ] ! " he cast and thousands of light spears appeared then killed half of the angels. " Now, Now. Who should I scratch, first? Great Red or Ouroboros Drag— "

" Azrail Anpu Erysichton. " someone said. Azrail turned his head to the left and saw God moving. Azrail smirk, " Oh..hi God. It seems you're doing good. "

God glare at Azrail and asked him, " What are you doing? You're a neutral faction, right? Why are you killi— "

" Oh? Yes? Please stop right there. I just killed half of the fallen angels and... " Azrail paused and look at Kaliya then said, " Kaliya is killing half of the other factions. I'm doing this to end this war into a draw. "

God nodded and also look at Kaliya, " I see... " he paused and look at Azrail, " Don't kill me now. I know Kokabiel is planning to kill me when this war ended. He wants me to be in my weakened state but I'm still in a... "

" In a full power? Something like that? And you want me to suck your life force so that you'll be in your weakened state? ", Azrail said and look at Satan who's also moving now, " What about you, Satan? "

" You know that I've been watching you on that tree? ", Satan asked

" Yes. Do you want me to suck your life force and let God kill you? " Azrail asked

" That is...right. " Satan said and nodded. Azrail sighed and shrugged, " You know? I really want to stay as a human but it seems that I'm going to suck the life force of the ' Creation of all' and the ' Destroyer of all'. God and Satan, I can't believe you guys. Well, you know what will happen if I suck your life force, yes? "

God and Satan look at each other and said in unison, " Yes, you will not just suck half of our life force but also half of our magic. We'll be fine. Don't worry. "

Azrail nodded, " You two are my best of friends but okay I'll do it. Say hi at Morana and Morrigan for me. "

" [ Life: Take half ]! " he cast and Azrail started to suck their life force. Azrail's body started to glow light and dark magic. After that, he let go of God and Satan who's now in their weakened state. Azrail opens his new wing and saw 15 devil and 15 angels wings. In total, he has 30 wings, half angel and half devil.

Azrail frowned, " Ah dammit. I have a lot of wings! I don't really like it. ". Azrail paused for a minute and cast something, " [ Creation: Wings combined ]". His wings change into crystalize wings and smirked, " Dammit! This is awe— "

" Satan and Go— owwiiiee... My head hurts. " someone said. The trio turned around and saw a red hair and blue eyes kid. Azrail turned at Kaliya and shouted, " Kaliya! How the hell did this kid get over here?! "

Kaliya yelled, " I don't know! Dammit! I'm busy! Take care of that! ". God just sighed and said, " Your serpent didn't change, Azrail. "

Azrail groaned and glare at god, " Do you really want me to kill you? We have a matter of shit here! Satan! Who the hell is this kid?! " Satan stares at the kid and answered, " He's from the Gremory clan. I think he's Sirzechs. Ah please don't kill him. "

Azrail clicked his tongue and cast large spell magic, " [ Creation: Shadows Death ] !". Suddenly a lot of Azrail showed up and scratched the dragons until they are in their weakened state, then Azrail helps Kaliya.

After 30 minutes, Sirzechs,Satan and God was awing Azrail's magic. Azrail casted another large magic, " [ Creation: Mind Manipulation ] ! ". After that the scene changes, now it looks like the devils kill half of the fallen angels, fallen angels kill half of the angels, angels kill half of the devils and so on. Azrail look at the kid, " Remember my name kid, I am Azrail Anpu Erysichton your death. " then he vanished instantly as the time go back to normal. Kaliya also vanished that time.

God and Satan look at each other, " Well, let's continue our fight Satan/God ! " then the two fight each other then God killed Satan and Kokabiel betrayed God and kill him. Azrail just watches the continuation of the war and leave.

( 506 years later )

In the Gremory estate, there's a red hair and blue eyes man looking outside in his windows. His name is Sirzechs Gremory Lucifer. He remembered everything that happens in the Great War.

" Azrail Anpu Erysichton. " Sirzechs mumbled and sighed. Suddenly a 6 years old kid burst out through his door, she has the same appearance with him but she's a girl. The girl shouted, " Sirzechs onii-chan!! " and jumped towards her brother.

Sirzechs smile, " Take care of yourself, Rias. ", Rias just pouted and hug his brother tightly, " Okay, brother. "

" I see... You've become a siscon. "

A shadow speaks in front of Sirzechs and the shadow shows Azrail. Azrail waves his hands and smile, " Nice meeting you again, Sirzechs. "

Sirzechs alerted himself and hold Rias tightly he growled, " Azrail... What are you doing here? "

Azrail smirk and changed his appearance into a 6 years old child, " I'm here to be your child "

Sirzechs yelled, " What?! I can't allow a half angel and half dev— "

" Ah? Are you worried about that? Don't worry I can erase my angel side. Anyways here is the plot, I want you to tell that you pick me up in the cave of the familiar forest then you tell to your parents that you want to adopt me as your child teehee~ ", Azrail explained

Sirzechs sighed and remembered something, " During the Great War, you said that you are my death. "

Azrail became confused, " Huh? Did I say that? I can't remember. Anyways, if I really said that umm... I think someone will kill you not me, okay? You're now my daddy~ " Azrail then acted cute in front Sirzechs.

Sirzechs almost fell for that attack and shrugged, " Okay, okay. I will tell them. Now let's go. Azrail... Azrail Gremory. "

Azrail smirk and look at Rias who's hiding at Sirzechs back, " Hello, Ri-chan!! ~", he smiles and waves his hand.

Rias blushed and smile, "Uhm... Hello. "

Rias and Azrail just smile at each other while Sirzechs sighed at the sudden event. Sirzechs thought, ' I don't know what to do anymore. '

( Gremory Diner Room )

The trio entered the diner room and saw a white hair maid, brown hair woman, and a man look like Sirzechs. Azrail smiles at them and stands like a noble. The unknown trio was curious at the white shoulder-length hair in a ponytail with red bloody eyes.

Sirzechs coughed, " Uhmm...father, this is Azrail Gremory. I adopt him as my... " Sirzechs paused for a minute, " Little brother! "

Azrail looks at Sirzechs with shock and glare at him while keeping his smile. Azrail thought, ' This is not our plan, Sirzechs!!! I'll kill you! '

" Oh~ What a cute child~ I am Venelana Gremory, your adopted mother", the brown hair woman said

Azrail smile and keep up the act, " Onii-chan, Mother is so beautiful!! "

The red hair spoke up, " He is cute, indeed. I am Zeoticus Gremory, your father. "

Azrail smiles widely with his eyes shining, " Father is very handsome!! "

Sirzechs amusingly look at Azrail, ' Dammit! This 'Death God' is good at acting. I'm sure he'll kill me later. "

The white hair woman look at Azrail and smile, " I am Grayfia Lucifuge, Sirzechs queen. "

Azrail looks at Grayfia with an amused smile, " Onee-chan is very beautiful!! "

Rias pouted and tugged Azrail's clothes then she asked, " What about me? "

Azrail smile widely, " Of course! My onee-chan is the most beautiful girl in my eyes! I want to marry you!! "

Azrail thoughts, ' This is my counter attack you siscon! '

Sirzechs glare at Azrail secretly, ' Dammit! This idiot!! '

Rias smile and blush, " Then I will also marry you!! "

Sirzechs face crippled along with his mind, ' Dammit, you old man!! '

The trio laughed and Azrail and Rias hold their hands then take a sit. Sirzechs followed the two and take a sit besides Grayfia.

After eating lunch, Sirzechs showed Azrail's room. Sirzechs opened a silver door and it shows a king sized bed, tea side part, one long couch along with a small couch and a table, cabinet and a mirror. Sirzechs look at Azrail, " This will be your room. Anyways, are you really serious marrying Rias? "

Azrail jumped towards the bed and smile then look at Sirzechs, " Yes, you broke the promise after all. Now go to your father, I'm sure he's searching for you. "

Suddenly Grayfia appeared in the door, " Sirzechs, Zeoticus is looking for you. "

Azrail smirked and look at Sirzechs, " Bye, onii-chan!! Let's play later! "

Sirzechs just nod and say something to Grayfia before leaving. Azrail lie down on his bed when he saw Grayfia walking towards him, " Onee-chan? "

Grayfia smile and lie down beside me, " Sirzechs said you are tired. So I'll be looking out for you when you sleep. "

Azrail smile and just nodded but before he closes his eyes he feels something soft on his face, ' What is this soft sensation? It's comfortable! '. Azrail started to lose consciousness as he now falls asleep.

Grayfia smile and look at the child who's sleeping on his breast, " I'll take care of you, Azrail. "

Azrail woke up on his bed and can still feel something soft covering his face. Azrail thoughts, ' Why is it dark? It is still dark outside? Ah. It's dinner time now! I should get ready. ', he was about to get up when somethin— no, someone is stopping him. He moves his face and saw Grayfia's face close to him.

Azrail just stares at her and Grayfia is now waking up, " Good morning, Azrail-kun. "

Azrail look at her with a confused face, " Onee-chan? What are you doing besides me? "

Grayfia smile and messed Azrail's hair, " I'm sorry for sleeping with you, Azrail-kun but you didn't let go of me that night so I just sleep beside you.... " she paused for a moment and smile once again, " Also I'm afraid that I will wake yo— "

" Good morni— Grayfia onee-chan?! What are you doing?! ", Rias shouted as she ran towards us and glare.

Grayfia giggles, " Fufufu, I just sleep beside him Rias-sama nothing else. "

Azrail looks at the maid with disbelief,' What the heck is she talking about? Is she some kind of lolicon? I can't believe the Gremory household has a lot of secrets. I'm going to share this story at Satan. '

Rias pouted and look at me with her tears at the corner of her eyes, " I-I s-should sleep with you, tonight! "

Azrail just smiles and nodded, "Un...Ri-oneechan should sleep with me tonight. "

Rias nodded and Azrail leaves with Rias as for Grayfia, she was left at the room. Rias took Azrail's hand and smile at him, " Let's take a bath together!! "

Azrail's thought, ' Should I invite Grayfia? This Rias doesn't have a good view since she's still a child. Yes, that's it. '

Azrail ignored Rias who's talking a lot about herself until Azrail saw Grayfia. Azrail smirk and let go at Rias' hands and ran towards Grayfia, " Grayfia onee-chan!!! Ri-chan said we will take a bath together!!! "

" Azra-kun, Don't tell it to Grayfi— "

" Do you want me to join, Azrail? " Grayfia asked and smile again " Yes, I'll join with you. "

Rias frowned, " No. No. This is Azra and Rias time!! "

" Rias? What's happening? Why is there a commotion here Grayfia? " Venelana asked as she holds Azrail's hands.

Rias starts to complaints at her mother, " Grayfia wants to join us bathing! I don't want it! I want to be with Azra-kun! "

Venelana chuckle, " Let's all go to bath ". Rias glare at her mother and pouted, " That is... That is UNFAIR!!! "

Azrail smile and thought, ' Two boob— I mean two ladies invited, Mission Accomplished! '

" Hmm? Mom? Grayfia? I saw Rias running towards th— Azrail? Where are you three going? " Sirzechs asked who suddenly appeared

" Hmm? We're going to the bath. The breakfast is ready. Wait for us there. " Venelana explained as Azrail and Grayfia go towards at the bath.

Sirzechs paused for a moment and thought, ' Dammit! That old man is using his child appearance to peek! He...he is a GENIUS!! '. Sirzechs sighed and leave to eat breakfast with his father.

Azrail and co. are now entering a big tub— actually, this looks like a pool. Azrail and co. are now naked. Azrail was about to scrub himself when a soft sensation was now in his back.

" Azrail, let me rub your back. As a maid, I should rub your back. ", Grayfia said and starting rubbing Azrail's back.

" Then let me rub your front... " Venelana said and Azrail feels a soft sensation in front. She also starting rubbing Azrail's front.

Azrail's thought, ' Dammit!! I am reaching Heaven through this!! ', Azrail lose consciousness as he fell asleep into Venelana's bosom.