Accepted ...

Alice's POV

Jungkook was driving as I was sitting beside him and I was nervous as hell well what should I do I can't run away I have to meet his parents one day and that day is today but am not ready yet ,how can I get ready....ommmaaaaaaaa what should I do.... "babe?" he said as I looked at him biting my nails "hmm?" I said still continuing biting my nails "stop being so nervous will you ?" and I stopped biting my nails and looked at him again "are you sure your parents will accept me ?" I said and he nodded "you asking this question for the 27th time since we are in this car " I sighed and looked out of the window am so nervous what can I do .....I was never this nervous before not even when I haded to give interview with bang PD I sighed as I thought about going to sleep"babe am sleeping wake me up when we reach there " I said and he nodded and said "hmm take a rest baby ".....

Jungkook's POV

I smiled as I looked at her nervous state cute I sighed as I kept driving .....after 2 hours we reached my House Area so I decided to wake her up "baby " said she blinked her eyes twice and woke up "are we here ?" I nodded and "yaaa why didn't you stopped at some market we didn't took anything " she said as I looked at her "we are just going to my house baby" said as I was about to start the car again but she held my hand and said "wait look there's a flower shop and sweets shop let me bring it hmm" and gone out of the far as my eyes never left her figure soon she came out holding a boutique and some bags in her hand I sighed I got out and took the things from her and hand opened the door for her she smiled and sat inside as I also came and did the same "shall we go now ?" I said and she smiled cutely "suree" ....

Alice's POV

He stopped the car infront of a not so big yet not so small house it was like a normal house but yet a quite luxury....jungkook opened the door for me and I got out and took the boutique in my hands as jungkook held the carry bags which contained some dry fruits, chocolates and cookies since I don't know what exactly they like .....he held my hand and ranged the bell as a man came and opened the door I guess it's his big brother jungkook hugged that man as i bowed to him "ohh kookie is she sister-in-law?" the man said as jungkook nodded "yaaaaaaa let her come in first " A woman said it must be his mom as we got in I bowed to both of them "Eomma, Appa,Meet Alice my girlfriend and Alice they are my parents and he's my brother " he said as I stood up and bowed to them and gave the boutique to his mom she gladly took it and smiled at me and the carry bags to his brother and he took it happily and sat infront of us and jungkooks mom and dad started talking to me "so ..since when are you guys dating ?" "umm well it's been 1 month but I have been courting her since 2 months " jungkook said as I looked at him and smiled at them nodding "2 months?" jungkooks mom said and looked at me "ummm " I was about to say something but jungkooks dad said "yea ofcourse I mean look at her she's so beautiful and sweet lady ofcourse she should take that much time " I smiled and said "Mr.jeon actually I wasn't first interested in jungkook but later I realised that I do love him " I said as both of them nodded "so your parents know?" jungkooks mom said and I nodded "yes my dad and brother knows my mom is not in this world anymore " I said and she said "omona sorry honey but don't worry you have me from now on huh ?" I smiled and she stood up and hugged me and said "I like her so much already I accept her as my daughter in law let's go meet her parents tomorrow honey " and Mr.jeon nodded smiling and hugged jungkook and me and said "Alice ahh dear call us eomma and Appa from now on okay ?" I nodded smiling and jungkooks mom said "guys stay for tonight so we can go to her house together tomorrow " I nodded and said "yes sure emonim I'll call my brother and inform him about this " and she nodded smiling......