For a while there is silence in the court before the minister present all finally let that statement sunk into their minds.

"I intends to make you the ruler of this entire Eastern Continent." This statement is still resonating inside everyone mind.

Then the ministers gasped. Then like being startled they look at Aero in disbelief. It is not easy to declare such statement.

But it is not in their best interest to shot down his statement. After all, the King has always wanted to expand the land and bring honor to the name of his family.

Looking at the excited face of the King whoever tries to shot down this word right now would attract the ire of the King.

While the minister was skeptical of Aero statement and analyzing his motives, the King on the contrary held a different emotion.

George was overjoyed.

It has always been his dreams and the dreams of his predecessor to rule the entire Eastern Continent and bring glory to the name of their House.

It used to be just a dream that he did not dare to say. Because he was weak and he see no way for him to fulfil such dreams

Not to mention his grip on the kingdom was weak at the time, there is many other powerful nations that could threaten Vanheim.

His kingdom and his rule were plagued by internal and external problem.

But after Aero appeared, it doesn't seem like a dream. It becomes possible. Aero is his wing.

Before, George was a toothless tiger. Now he has sharp fangs and a wing attached on his back. His vigor and will has returned.

He possess the bearing of a Great King that oversee the world.

Now he is fiercer than anyone and more ambitious than anyone. And with Aero by his side, he is soaring to the sky.

"We(Royal We) must thank Nicolas the Sage of Trethelm Lake for introducing you to me. After seeing what you can do, We shudder to think if you serve any other King" George said in a joking manner.

But Aero clearly could sense that hint of worried tone.

'Clearly, he has heard about King Fjord's letter asking me to aid him in his crisis.' Aero thought to himself

"Is this about King Fjord, Your Grace?' Aero asked innocently. The King put on his most calm expression and said.

'We heard about His Royal Grace towards you and must admit, I fear that my greatest strategist would be tempted' King George said still with that smile on his face.

Aero see through the tough front.

Aero of course will not leave George now.

Not when his position in Vanheim is firm and stronger than ever.

He is trusted by the King and while his position is still unclear in George government, he already held many authority only second to the King thanks to his trust towards Aero.

Compared to the uncertain grace of a foreign King Aero decided George was the better master to serve.

'Do not worry, Your Majesty. It is just better to have some connection in the West so we will not be caught unaware" Aero said trying to ease George uneasiness.

"Really? So that's how it is" George sigh of relief can be heard in the Throne room. The other minister also heard it and some of them frowned.

They all understand that from today onwards, this young strategist would have a seat in the inner circle of the King.

Most of the minister in the room was old minister that used to serve the Old King and was deemed unreliable by the new King.

Simply because they did not endure the same hardship like those who accompanied him to his meteoric rise.

All that followed him in his self-exile all were awarded with nobility titles and position in the government.

King George look at Aero from the throne he is sitting and he release his hidden clenched fist.

He was truly anxious after hearing the news that a foreign monarch tries to snatch the talent he has found.

George will not let anyone take Aero from him. Aero has proven himself to be indispensable to the Kingdom.

If he falls to another Kingdom, George fears to think what would happen.

He did not want to harm his benefactor.

If Aero really went to another kingdom, how could George sleep at night knowing there is a brilliant wise master plotting the downfall of his Kingdom?

The most effective and obvious solution is of course to eliminate the trouble as fast as possible.

But King George would not, on his honor besmirch the reputation of his house by harming his own benefactor.

But by not killing such trouble it would be harming his Kingdom.

Thus, he truly hope that Aero would not make him choose between two worst possible choices.

And thank the gods, he did not have to choose. As George was looking at Aero, Aero was explaining about the post war preparation.

"Now, the second matter is about the peace treaty with the Orcs" Aero continued. Then he looked toward George and implore

'This strategist would like Your Majesty to invite Gruk as a guest of honor in the victory ceremony. This would appease him and his tribe's resentment because of the bad blood between our people and their race. It would also help convince him to our dedication to partner up with him."

Then without stopping Aero continued.

"This strategist also would like Your Majesty to give contracts to Merchants Company to facilitate the construction of the trade route."

King George nodded

"Who do you have in mind, Advisor Aero?" George asked. Aero smiles but he quickly wipe that smiles on his face appearing solemn and serious.

"Your humble subject will write Your Majesty a list in this week about Merchant company that can contribute and be loyal to the Kingdom" Aero replied

"Alright then Advisor Aero, We trust your decisions. We will let you handle the contracts on my behalf." George declared.

"Thank you for your faith in me, Your Majesty." Aero had already expected that George will give him the task.

Aero tried to hide his smile.

The other ministers just watched silently. Aero knows he has made enemies today, simply just by gaining the King trust.

But when was he afraid? After all, he could not avoid the trouble if he is to rise in ranks amongst old minister of the courts.

Then Aero began to move on to other agendas.

The Orcs Peace Treaty.

"We also need to send some negotiators to Gruk to ask for the right to build shops and supply centers. And it would be good if we can outsource to the Orcs in Gruk tribe to help our Kingdom." Aero suggest to George.

"But, is it worth it making this treaty with the Orcs?" a minister asked doubting Aero plan.

Actually the minister in the court is beginning to become envious of Aero relationships with the King.

Now that Aero has won the war, the King just become more trusting towards Aero and this makes some of the ministers beginning to scheme to undermine Aero plans.

Aero of course, noticed this. But right now the ministers still didn't take action, so they are not a threat.


But Aero decided to address this matter later. He might need to send a few birds and let a few snakes roam across the deep tall grass.

Only then he could hear and moves one step ahead from his enemies.

That is also the reason he needs to ask for vacation.

He needs to settle a few matters and lower the resentment giving a chance for the old minister to render contribution so they will not feel left out.

But for now Aero answer the minister question.

"Yes, it's worth it. It will not only improve our economy it will also enable us to construct supply lines for our troops. "

Aero is trying to explain this to the minister that is objecting to the plans.

"We are trying to swallow Vetten. Supply lines are important. Even though we can bring merchants as our supply division but they can easily be killed."

Aero said convincingly to the minister.

"After this, war will be in a large scale. More than the war with us and Vetten. I believe the world will be in turbulent times, but this is the chance for Vanheim to be major player in Vilajeri continent.'

George nodded.

What Aero said makes logical sense. The opportunity for his people to become more powerful is with this treaty.

Orcs are known all over the Vilajeri Continent to be powerful and fierce warriors. If they can take advantage of that, then it would be easier for Vanheim to truly conquer the Eastern Continent.

They can also trade exotic meats with the Orcs.

Nairhell has many creatures that don't roam in Vanheim.

Other than that, they can also trade plants with the Orcs which would bring new medicines into the world since many of the herbs there remains a secret before because of the restricted access and no one dares to venture to deep into Orcs settlement.

There is a lot of untapped economic potential in Nairhell. And Aero of course recognizes this.

This treaty is a win- win situation for both side but it is actually have more benefits for Vanheim

"Your plan is approved. Is there another thing you would like to suggest Advisor?" George accepted the plan.

Aero nodded, like he was waiting for the King question.

"The third thing I would like to suggest to Your Majesty is to start encouraging neighboring citizens to migrate here. Hire the minstrels to sing songs about Vanheim prosperity and might. Lower the taxes. Open a few granaries and be benevolent and righteous in dealing with matters. That will encourage people to migrate here."

Then a minister coughed and come in front before pointing his finger at Aero and ask.

"Why? We don't need them. Our Vanheimnian people are strong and proud. Why do we need to encourage the other Kingdoms' citizens to migrate here?" said a minister adamantly

Aero coughed and then he looked to the King and said.

"By encouraging people to come, they may have certain talents that are useful to Your Majesty" Looking at the official that tries to remonstrate him Aero smirks and then he look back at the King and said

'As Your Majesty Advisor I have one word of advice, promote economic growth through innovation. With new talents comes innovation. With more population there are more mouths to feed but it also encourages growth if we adjust accordingly with economic development. Austerity measures must be taken but it must not be taken by sacrificing the lives of our citizens. A kingdom is made of its citizens. Without any citizens, there is no kingdom. Without forgetting this simple fact any Kingdom can be a strong one"

The minister that objected to Aero plans just nodded blankly. He could not object after Aero has raised such a convincing point.

The Scholars in the court also find no fault with Aero reasoning

The other ministers are also the same. The King nodded, beaming a smile. What Aero said was in line with his thought.

"Alright, your plan is approved."

After that Aero asked for a vacation detailing what he will do after the victory ceremony to George.

He also promised he will return home after he helped King Fjord.

The King has readied a residence for Aero in the palace. Aero gladly accepted the offer. The minute he's about to log off, a messenger came bearing news.

'Three of the most influential Merchant Companies are requesting a meeting with me. It seems the rumor has spread.'

"Tell them I'll meet them in Tiger Gate Inn at the evening." Aero said to convey the message.


part of the mass release. hope you all like it and please give me your votes and if you really like it please leave some reviews. And leave some comments to.