His footsteps halted as he looks solemn and serious. His white robe looks conspicuous in all of this darkness.

Behind him is that unaffected young man. Aero ask

'Is it in there?' Deria behind him nodded

Aero sighed.

So, this is it' he said to no one in particular as he release a relived breath. They finally have reached the area of Thetis prison.

It was farther than expected. And it is not easy. It is prison alright. But if that is not enough the prison is meant to hold divine beings.

Thus the prison is actually referred to the large clearing ahead of a creepy looking eerie cave.

And like always, Aero walk inside the cave and walked again

After they reached the prison they had to walk about eight hours walk to reach the cave. Eight hours of walking in darkness and only being illuminated by some torches.

In that span of eight hours they take a rest a few times as Aero and Deria sometimes talk about things just to pass time.