OATH (2)




Refreshed and full of energy, Aero is ready. Today is the day Aero finally met the Duvar King.

Dan told him the do's and the don'ts. So, he won't mess up that badly. And he had quite a good grasp about the King problem. But he doesn't want to assume.

Once he reached the Throne Room Aero quickly introduce himself like Athena instructed him.

'I have come here under the guidance of the white armed Hera'

Hearing that Hera has sent him the man in his dreams the King was overjoyed and quickly tell him his problem.

Aero underestimated the influence of saying you come under divine guidance.

The King would have never share his problems with anyone else but the moment Aero said he was sent by the Gods, like magic, the King opens himself up to him.

Thought not to mention Aero reputation himself.

After all Aero name is known far and wide in the continent as an able administrators, a divine strategist and a great advisor.