Aero look outside the window, his face is unreadable. Then he sighed. One of the earliest task he ordered as Chancellor was to summon Royal Physician Amy to his residence

He need to meet her. They need to talk about something and make clear some of the things.

But he got an unwelcome news from the messenger.

the messenger informed him that Royal Physician Amy has departed to Duvar to assist Marquis Dan a few days before Aero got out from the Underworld.

Aero look at the moon and smiles bitterly and said

'It seems we missed each other. Or are you avoiding me? If it is true that is pretty cowardly considering you are the one who kiss me.' He said to no one in particular. But then after thinking it more, a smile formed on his face.

Because thinking about it clearly it doesn't seem she is avoiding him. Then there is only one answer why Amy would go to Duvar.

'She's searching for me' Aero said to himself and he could not contain his joy