LAWS (2)

This time it will be about other laws that need to be upheld and abolished.


RIGHTS OF TREASURE: full power to dukes and counts over all minerals found on their properties.

RIGHT OF SHIPWRECKS: The nobles of a land have the right of appropriating the contents of ships happening to be wrecked on their shores. However, if the treasure is to be found by someone else, the lord must exercise nobles oblige and reward the meritorious.

THE RIGHT OF REPRISAL: Give authority to King and Chancellor to act as the intermediaries or punished by fire and sword that the sovereign and his regent/ chancellor may exercise his right of reprisal on the lands of the nobles, leaving the accused nothing but their lives and limbs. The penalty of retaliation.

THE RIGHT OF JURISDICTION: which gave judicial power to the dukes and counts in cases arising in their domains, had no appeal save to the King and Chancellor.