The King seems overjoyed with the praise. His red face began turning to normal and he smiles and said

'Raise your head' Aero raises his face first and the other minister followed. The one task on writing the King history quickly writes this in his notes.

The tension in the room dissipated.

"That is done" he announced then he continued. "When would you think the opportune moment would come?" George asked Aero.

"This humble servant has many reports coming in from the scouts. Maybe a week or two the time will be ripe for attacking Your Majesty but nothing is certain as of now"

Aero knew what is happening in Niovar right now.

They have mustered many of their own troops in the Gerad Stratocracy and lie waiting there.

So most of Niovar troops are actually in Gerad fighting with Alexander stalling them and hoping for Vanheim to enter the fray.

Fortunately, Alexander is talented in warfare.