The rain subsided and the corpse has already been thrown down on the ravine near the valley. With Aero strength he easily transported those bodies outside.

Aero thought of many things in the dark and the more he thinks the darker his thoughts became.

Aero did not inform Dan of the information he learned. He could not trust Dan not to blab it around.

Aero need time to gather his thoughts and plan his move. He is also suspicious of Dan.

Sometimes the quiet ones are the most bold

'Or am I just being paranoid?' he thought to himself.

What should he do with this information? This is big. The Prince of the kingdom incited a war and Aero could guess what Prince James wanted

The fire place crackle as Aero throw another branch of trees onto the fire as the flames lives again.

After the rain they needed to warm themselves up so they are still in the cave