"Brother, come join me" Aero said joyfully seeing Deria. He looks at Deria and Aero shakes his head.

'I never understand how his hair always remains flawless even after he has just awoken from sleep. Demigod' he mused.

"An early riser, Aero. That is unexpected" he said

"Yeah, well when I have guest, I try not to sleep too much."

Deria laughed a little. He sat beside me.

"Where's the food?"

"In a little while" Aero said while scanning the hallway

"Are we waiting for someone?" Deria asked.

It seems Deria was not acquainted with Princess Helena yesterday.

Aero heard from the maid, the moment Deria was shown to his room he immediately went to sleep.

"Yes. A princess"

"A princess?" he smiled a naughty smile.

"Nothing like that" Aero tried to clear the air because it seems like Deria is misunderstanding something.