Aero was yelling his heart out to the Wall, looking valiant and heroic riding his chariot. His shout echoes and reverberates through the entire city and the area surrounding it.
He is confident and he is fearless right now. He looks at the wall in front of him and then he looked at his ankle.
Something sparkles as the sun reflected on that thing. There is s shiny new equipment crafted by Deria on his ankle.
He looks at the sky and he tries to feel the weather.
Aero has heard about Zeus supposed power in the interview with Broly clan. Maybe he could control the weather.
And he doesn't know if that is true but it's better if he takes precaution.
This new shield in the design of an eye patch at his ankle is crafted solely to counteract his weakness.
The metal ankle patch is hidden by the greaves. There is many features and abilities that Deria had imbued in the ankle patch.
One of them is that it will absorb magic and physical attack.