Every time their weapons clash, gust of wind is formed, and sound wave is released from their strikes.

While their footsteps created deep print onto the ground and even cracked the land.

Only high level players can understand and see their intense battle, Eric mused.

On the other hand, in the battlefield, Aero peek at the durability of his sword.


'Shit, this is bad' He cursed internally

It has been a long time since he felt like this. And it is very shocking that his sword is rapidly being destroyed by Zeus crazy attack

It seems the title of the strongest is not just for show. But he is coming closer and closer. He wanted to strike Zeus but Zeus response is fast that he either dodged or parry the strike away.

But Zeus himself is not having a good time. His eye is about to bleed because of the overuse of his skills and his hand and arm are numb.