He grins as he looks at the two men that is approaching him

'Ah, you've come finally. I was wondering when you would arrive here' The two men bitterly smiles.

The two person is none other than Eric and Zeus. They are standing just outside the prison cell. The other guards tensed and look at the prisoner Aero with trepidation.

They worried that the Chancellor of Vanheim would try to lunge to Zeus and Eric.

Even though, the Prime Minister said that Aero of the East would not be able to break through this prison but before yesterday who would have thought that there is a person who could fought forty thousand people and not get even one injury?

Zeus look at Aero and Aero nodded. He looks around at his prison and chuckles.

 "A tower prison for me? I'm flattered, truly" Aero said

"It is a precaution. You could understand why we are not very keen on letting you escape." Eric reply

Aero nodded but his eyes is only at Zeus.