Right now the Vilajeri Continent is in a state of upheaval and chaos. War and unrest everywhere.

Niovar and Vanheim is at war.

The war has already sacrificed hundreds of thousands of their soldier and still counting with the players from each side raise their arm and join the battle.

It is a war between two superpower nations that will decide the true ruler of the Eastern part of the continent

Whoever won will emerge to be one of the candidate kingdom that will rule the world

Veranis is also just got out of their own war.

Prince Alexander Veran, the young prince of Greater Veranis has conquered Gerad Stratocracy and has now began stabilizing his new domain and began resting his troops.

The Prince chases General Theolonius and hack his head, presenting it to the other commander of Gerad and they all surrender in unison, bowing to the Prince of Greater Veranis