King Vrandeus summons have reached all the Kingdoms by now and it created an uproar.

Vanheim and Niovar both could not spare their troops right now since both of them are preoccupied with their own private war with each other and express their regret for not being able to embark on the protection of their faith

Though both of them promise to send troops after the war is over. When the war is over it will also settle the true ruler of the Eastern Continent.

Alfhaim, most of them are elves agreed to join the Holy War. Loth and Nero Republic also agreed. Nero after all is being attacked so the Holy War Proclamation is like helping them.

But what worries King Vrandeus is Zeus.

The King of United Kingdom of Veva also offer their assistance. Zeus already sent five hundred thousand soldiers to attack and terrorize Holy Zun Empire in an assistance to the Faith.