The smell of the sea wafted through the air as its breeze blows by them. The two woman have finally arrived at Vanheim.

Tatiana step out from the deck of Silent Song and breathe once again Vanheim air.

She exhales and inhale.

'The salty air once again' she mused. Beside her is Amy looking at this place with longing.

"Fish and crab"

"Cockles and clam" Tatiana look around and saw the men of the sea around. Those men that made their living through the creatures of the sea.

Everywhere she could hear people selling their wares and fish, cockles, clam and crab. Poseidon seems to be in a good mood nowadays as many sailors got a lot of fishes.

Calm before the Storm she mused. She never believed the Gods that much but after meeting Aero she deiced to change that mind view.

It certainly didn't hold true anymore.