While Aero was imprisoned in Veva, in the sea there lies a Goddess. And she is wrathful. Apollo had aided the mortal King of Veva in constructing a prison that could cage her son.

When Zeus and Aero fought, the eyes of Thetis watch over him.

She watches as her son made her proud but she also watched as his son got dragged into that prison

Many eras have passed and the Gods had once made an agreement not to interfere in the mortal affairs. At least not this blatantly.

And she is now full of anger and wrath and the sea trembles and the land quakes as her emotions causes storms to appears in the deep sea and the monster of the deep burrow themselves deeper into the dark waters

Thetis is angered and she would not take this disrespect lying down.

Even Zeus himself did not come into the defense of the mortal king but some greenhorn Gods wanted to pit himself against her.