The trumpets were blaring and the sun travel through the skies. The petals of flowers are released by the many minor gods and goddesses of springs and fertility.

Rainbow formed itself in a clear day.

The sun gives a warm light to anyone who attends the festive wedding with all the Gods coming from the major Gods to the minor ones save but...…. one.

It was the wedding of the century but they did not invite one particular goddess.

Eris, the Goddess of Discord is not invited to the wedding.

'I mean who would invite her to a wedding when she will bring discord with her?' Zeus once said when they were discussing the wedding arrangement.

Zeus held this banquet to honor and appeases Thetis anger after his children disregard of the Old Law had anger the Nereid.

Also he hopes that Thetis will not rage and began a war with the Council.

Everyone knows that Aero is her son and he is also Athena Champion.