A person looks at the scenery outside his window and sighed.

The Leon kingdom is a kingdom owned by a clan. Just like how Zeus started his own clan and created his powerbase in Veva.

Leo is a proud owner of a clan.

At first he started the clan with only ten people all of them are players who are level 100 or above,

Most of them is his friend and then he even invited his acquaintances and people in his real life.

It was the good times when he thinks about it again.

He remembers those days vividly as he hunts and raided around the dungeons, camping outside on some forest and sharing and sometimes arguing about loot

That is a simpler day than today.

Day after day, there are more people that join his clan and he guess that is where he and his clan started changing.

Then they began doing hard and difficult quest and they become more ambitious.