Vanheim Glory is a civil ceremony and religious rite of their Kingdom

A long time ago, when wars were ever-present, Vanheim Glory was held to publicly celebrate and sanctify the success of a military commander who had led Vanheim forces to victory on the service of the Kingdom, originally and traditionally, one who had successfully completed a foreign war

To be honest Aero also qualifies but he rejected the honor seeing that he fears he will create more enemies, than friends for a few moments of glory.

It is a wise decision expected of a wise man. Vanheim Glory is the manifestations of Vanheim authority, legitimacy and power.

Only Emperors can grant Glory.

Past Emperors usually celebrate successful war with honoring one of the most accomplished soldiers to inspire bravery and make people aspire to win battles.

Prince James will be wearing a crown, a circlet normal crown, and a golden armor to this ceremony.