Only then he knows how amazing he really is.

Chancellor of Vanheim, hero of Vanheim, the General Who pacified the North, Son of Thetis, possessing invulnerable body

He did not immediately pick his noble house though he does have an idea of which one to pick. He first need to make sense a few things, he knows he come from Western Heaven.

And maybe the people around here he sees also come from Western Heaven.

He did not think about that for long as he thinks it is better if he tries to understand what more the statue display could tell him

He checks about items. It was then he understands something.

Item is divided by Ranks.

There is Weak, Strong, Hero rank, Rare rank, Unique rank, legendary rank and Godly rank. And there is also rank of mastery

The rank of mastery started with Basic (I). Then it is followed by Beginner (II), Adept (III), Advanced (IV), Superior (V), Master (VI) and Supreme (VII)