Aero smiles as he could see Kyle could see what he could see. Aero nodded and then said at Kyle

'Yes' Kyle nodded too and sighed.

'They are not confused' Kyle stated matter-of-factly.

'Not at all' Aero replies with a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

'They are obstructing each other' Kyle added. Aero nodded in agreement

Then he said

'And while they are obstructing each other, the beast is healing itself. Even though I expected this to happen, I still didn't like seeing it. Ah, the burden of always being right'

Kyle understood it when he saw the battlefield for the second time. It was not they were mistakenly attack the other because of the chaos of the battle.

It was they targeted each other intentionally.

Nobody wanted the other to kill the beast and get that skill points. Maybe the Heavens has also predicted this. Maybe that is why they sent only one beast.