As the man body fall back and landed butt first onto the ground, his right arm which had been amputated is still holding tightly on the large hammer.

Brett could now move, like the pain broke out through that intent and suppression. He quickly gets up and take a step backward.

As he stepped backward, Aero move forward.

He closed in on him like he was talking a leisure walk on the park and then seized Brett throat and without wasting any time he crushed the man throat before he could even speak any words and thrown his body to the front as it slowly disintegrates into golden lights.

At the front, the battle is also ongoing with Kyle once again appearing in the fray, fighting a great magical battel with all kind of spell being thrown around.

Fire magic, ice magic, earth magic, metal magic, forbidden magic, all kind of magic spell involving the elements was used since it was the easiest to perform in this kind of battle.