Aero takes a deep breath as he looks at the battlefield from his eyes

He is only wasting time now. Thankfully because of the killing intent that intensely swirling around the battlefield, Aero is strengthened with each passing moment.

But death could come unexpectedly. He knows that. Which is why he is trying to get out. But he at least need a clue on how to get out

Then as he looks to the south he could spot Kyle in the distance.

'What is he doing?'

Kyle is just outside the barrier as he tries futilely to bang the protective formation.

Aero believes that action is just for brownie points with the other people but he also recognizes that Kyle didn't really want him to die here.

After all, it is better two than just one.

'Kyle!' He shouted and his shout reverberated, and produce a powerful roar that shocked the battlefield.