His warriors and mages distance themselves from Kyle since they did not want to overhear the conversation between the General of Vanheim and the Chancellor of Vanheim

Aero look behind him and he could see that there is another wave of people coming towards his position. He did not have much time

He had to make use of Kyle knowledge right now. Aero is sure that Kyle did not come to the edges of this formation just to gloat

'What is this?' Aero said while pointing his finger to this formation

'Five Point Sealing Formation' Kyle immediately answer.

'Hmm. What's that?' Aero asked back. He never heard of any Five Point Sealing Formation.

Kyle suspected that Aero did not know much about the formation so he quickly told Aero about all he knows.

As he was explaining things, the rumble of people charging toward Aero intensify that one could feel the shaking of the earth as magical attacks is about to land around Aero