Around the mages unit there is no one. But the mages like he did not realize Aero presence keep supplying his life force to the formation

Aero looking at this was amazed at the mages ball of steel

'Sometimes, I wonder how you all could be so loyal to that oaf of a king' Aero said with a sigh. He walks calmly now.

He had accepted it. And the moment, he accepted it, his body become lighter

He had lost this battle with Eric. It is too late for him now to join the race and control this matter.

For that message, Eric must have a reason for preventing him to seek the Gate. Aero doesn't know what it is all about but he knows one thing.

It must be one important reason

And since he had already miss the window of opportunity, then he might as well enjoy this and found some benefit he could extract from this unfortunate situation.

He walks to the mages unit, smiling. But he is not happy. No, it was far from him being happy.