First year of the Vanheimneian Era. The first year of the reign of Emperor Edward saw the return of the Adventurers from the Heavens

 Their disappearance led to mass panic in the Vilajeri Continent and the royal courts of many kingdoms were almost paralyzed.

Veva lost its King, the Holy City of Light lost its Apostle and Pope and Vanheim Empire that seized the Holy City of Duvar lost its Chancellor which was instrumental in the persuasion of the King of Duvar.

The remnants of the Niovar kingdoms nobles stage a rebellion during this chaos and managed to gain a few cities under the Vanheim Empire and once again raise the banner of Niovar.

The other kingdoms like Nairhell also suffers.

The Great Chief of the Orc, Gruk disappeared and many of his powerful generals also disappeared leading to chaos in the dangerous sandy desert of Nairhell of the Orc Land