King Edward then brought ten thousand troops with Aero in the lead and went to Duvar.

Along the way, Aero was kept in the loop of what is happening in the court, the sentiment of the people and the current situation of the surrounding kingdoms around Duvar.

When King Edward arrived, he asked to speak with King Vrandeus an after two hours of pretending to negotiate with each other, the door to Duvar Holy Kingdom was opened and so the feat of King Edward subduing an entire kingdom without shedding one droplet of blood were spread all over the continent.

It is said the King was a wise King that managed to turn even the staunchest enemies to allies. It is the best Aero could do with what he is given and the situation he is in.

It is a stroke of luck that King George had created such a powerful Vanheim kingdom that Aero plans could be realized.

After all, he could not make Edward a military hero considering how cowardly he is.