She smiles and blushes

'Need any help?' she asks. Takashi laughs. At least, he now knows that Keiko like compliments.

He thinks for a while and then said

'Look at the Eastern Server for me. I don't know where they are hiding but it seems the Eastern Server is still alright. That mean they are still doing their jobs. Which means one of them is there.'

She nodded but then she asks

'How about the Western Server?' she asks. Unlike Takashi, Keiko could not be at many places at once especially not on two servers at the same time.

Her setting did not allow it…yet

 Takashi look to the distance and he could see the myriads lives on the Western Server and said

'I will look over it' She frowned

'You would be busy. Olympus has Hades. He probably has his own schemes.' Takashi nodded but it is clear he is not that worried about it