Aero knows his position in the court and the influence he had on the governance of the Empire.

And with his eyes and ears on everyone in the Court, he had maintained a tight grip in the Imperial Court so much so there is no chink in that armor.

And he had done all this for the unification of the Vilajeri Continent.

The death of King George had dampened him a bit but it did not change his ambition to become a strategist that help found an everlasting dynasty

The taking of Duvar kingdom and the coronation of imperial authority in the holy Seat of the Emperors of Old was the first step to his unification plan.

Duvar was where his plans would start. After Vanheim take Duvar, their expansion stopped.

He had intended to rest the military machines of Vanheim and solve some issues in Vanheim first before moving again

He begun by strengthening the borders, investing in military research, recruiting and training of soldiers.