Somewhere outside the border of Veranis, a person is standing on top of the hill. The wind is calm and the vastness of the plains could refresh one mind and one heart.

This man is enjoying the scenery. Yet, this place is not a leisurely place. And while it is vast, it doesn't mean the scenery is beautiful.

There is mountain and lakes all over the world, and there are plains bigger than this. hence, to say that this person is enjoying the scenery is wrong.

His eyes seem to be sharp and the light from his eyes is a little bit terrifying. 

While one might be mistaken that this person is enjoying the scenery, taking in the vastness of the area presented in front of this person, if one looks at this person eyes, one could tell that it is an eye full of determination.

It almost looks like he is looking beyond the Plains.

Smiling the man then said