The moonlight is now covered by the clouds. In the distance, even taverns had close their door. Those who ply their trade in the night in some dark alley also have gone to bed.

The guards on the city wall however did not dare to slacken tonight. 

Tonight the King of Veva and the Prime Minister of Veva seems to have something to talk about and instead do talking about it in their court session, they instead meet here on top of the city wall and talk to each other here

These guard usual would try to catch a bit of sleep while some of the others keep watch. But who would dare di such a thing now. 

Not only they do not dare to sleep, they do not dare to listen or to look to long toward the direction of the Prime Minister and the King

the area around the city wall is dark now as the moonlight is covered by the clouds. The light did not seem able to pierce through the thick dark clouds.