

They say no man can run from his faith, No man is faster then death or destiny, But not every question has answers. I've been wondering all this time. How did this happen to me? When did this happen to? Why is this happening to me? Dream, I might be dreaming well is this all part of my imagination, but this was too good to be a dream. Something is wrong, something doesn't feel right. There something? I am sure but I can't put my finger on it, but I can felt that something is coming sooner or later.

Was it a hunch? Or was it a feeling. I knew there was something. But there was nothing in the same thing. I couldn't understand I wasn't an expert. I didn't know what was happening to me. On one night, I go to sleep In the 2017 then I woke up somewhere in the Middle Ages. I can't describe how weird this feels, mental, but I knew These Walls These gates Where more than just a weird dream I am having or mere history that I've taken in history class.

I wander through out the streets. Searching for something. Maybe for someone. But it's like I'm coming back in a cycle. Am I my last? asking myself. Maybe Michael was right? I will get lost if this continues.

I look around contemplating on my surrounding. I've been to many streets. But never in my wildest imagination did I thought that I would ever come to medieval city.

Everything is different here starting from the walls. The constructions the way people dress. Their food their drinks their style of speech. The system of Education even the way that kids think or Play.

I started to lose the hope that this was just a dream and just any moment someone will wake me up. And those memories with fade like their siblings did before them. It was a hope I kept on holding onto.

Never have I thought that history. Could be so gorgeous, so breathtaking. This city is beautiful.

For know all I can tell know is that I am in some street, surrounded by strangers.

"Hey Stranger" A voice ringing behind my ear, I turn around. Take a good look. " Emma. Is that you how did you get here? How? but? When? Where?" She watched me as I struggle with words that I can't seem to finish. She looks at me confused. "Do I know you?" should asked.

It felt like a thunder crack, she didn't know me... Whatttt.....but...

That's right it wasn't her, I must have been cute by the moment. It was someone who looks like her. "Accept my sincere apologies Madam" where are those words coming from.

A bright smile spread across her face, then she said. "Madam no ever called me that...." I was a dead man not practically, but half dead? Half frozen. And God knows what happened to the rest of me. my mind was wondering in a Lube of cycle Called I just screwed up.

I dont know what happened but next thing I knew I was on the ground and tired my vision was fading away. I was laying down in the street with no hope or anyone to help me surrounded by strangers. How did this happen to me? Have it come to this Ah. I am going to die, they will probably sale my body part. Ah, wait they are too civilized for that right?....right....


"okay mother" I shoot the door of my room behind me, pick up my red ribbon of the table tied around my hand, and storm the gates of the mansion.

I knew there was something special about today. I don't know what it was, but I had this feeling that something amazing will happen to me. Or it was just a creepy feeling. I hope not.

I take the Main Street down the road that leads to the middle of the town, which is where the best Apple are sold? Just to see or find an Apple that might satisfy my curious tongue Yes, I Love Apple.

You see from a young age, one day my uncle gave me special, and unique. Apple, which till this day. I remember it's taste an as you can guess I'm still searching for the same taste of that Apple. Which I seem not to be able to find it? I know it's kind of weird? But it is a hobby, a list that don't you agree?

if you ever wanna give me a gift just give me an Apple I'll be more than satisfied.

I go through all selling places that I can find a good Apple But as you can guess none of them tasted the same. I told myself, Great I wasted an important time it could be home have been mother. I'm here Saturday for a hopeless taste I sighted huh...

As I was losing hope a voice of a Shouting man captured my attention "Come around oh people Taste this Apples from the finest farmers of a Foreigner countries.

My eyes brighten hope return to my face I almost felt like crying.... I could use some crying now you know...

Before I knew I was there eating and testing all the apples. little did I knew I will not find my dream apple but I was determine to find it.

After couple of bites I left the man, because he did not have what I wanted. As I walked through the people there was this boy who kept standing in the same place all along all this time.

He looks like quite a stranger to me? Because only strangers get lost in the middle of Constantinople.

So I decided to walk towards him and try talking to him. Maybe that will help him. I can ask him if he is in a need of direction maybe I could be of help to him.

I stand close, but keeping my distance behind him. I cleared my throat, "Hey Stranger".....

He turns around quickly Emma. Is that you..... who is Emma. I look around to see if theres someone behind me, surprisingly he was calling me Emma.

I watched him as he struggles with his words. Did this guy became speechless or something else happened to him? I ask myself.

I decided I should clear things up "Who is Emma?" I asked, he stood there like a rock not even moving or blinking.

Lucky me, he didnt spend that much time in his rock state. "Accept my sincere apologies Madam" Holy apples. He just called me Madam, I couldn't help but a hint of smiles keep my lips.

Maybe today wasnt that bad. "Madam, huh" oh my god he looks depressed or someone who did not eat for couple of days. What should I do?

Out of nowhere, the guy claps on the ground. Holy Why is everything going so complicated around me? And why am I always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

At this rate people will say I did something to him if I do not do anything. I call for help, and 2 men came to me. Where should I take him? Yes, I snapped my fingers together. I know where "To my mention" I declare, maybe too load.