Prologue ~Reincarnation~

The age of myth

By him many countries were destroyed, he burned the spirit forest to ashes, killed even the gods. This was the man feared by all, known as the demon king.

The name was Anos Voldigord.

"--So, how about reconciliation?"

 Sitting on his throne with his arms crossed, the devil Anos uttered words.

 If it was an ordinary human being, he was likely to be in fear of his words, however there was no worry on the faces of the people in front of him

The brave hero Kanon chosen by the holy sword.

The Great spirit Reno who is the mother of all spirits.

And the Creator God Militia who created this world.

 Four people, including Arnos, who will influence the fortunes of the world and who will share their names in later times, have been gathered in the demon king's Great Castle of Delzogade.

"I understand the story. It's not a strange condition. But now of all times reconciliation, you say??"The hero Kanon said.

"That's right, hero Kanon" Arnos replied

"Devil King Arnos. How many people have you killed so far?" Kanon said debatingly  

Arnos answered with a gaze now turned cold.

"I'm sorry, but the hero Kanon. But, how many demons have you killed so far?"

He continued, "Who struck first? The humans or the demons?

There was no way to know.

No, it doesn't matter. Even knowing the answer would not make the past disappear.

The reason would no doubt be trivial.

Both sides killed and those who survived got revenge on those that were killed.

After that, the cycle just repeated.

Because they were killed they were avenged and then those that got revenge were killed for revenge.

Hatred accumulated endlessly for both races and the chain of tragedies accelerated to a pace that could not be stopped.

Both humans and demons are the same in that they hate things different from themselves."

"After all your brutality do you think you can say those words?"

"What would have happened without my cruelty? If you did not fear the demon king Arnos you human beings would have calmly slaughtered the demons. It was a just cause. I do not remember even feeling one bit of guilt. I even praised the humans I killed as heroes."

"That was Because the demons perform cruel acts."

"I say it's a human being who did that"

"Are you saying the demons did nothing wrong?"

"There is neither justice nor evil in war. It means that in war there is neither good nor bad."

With a glint in his eye, the demon king Arnos glared at the hero.

"Kanon. Do you Guys really believe that the world will become peaceful if you defeat the demon king Anos, is it really so?"

"Yes, I do."

"No. You should actually understand it. Stop being a fool. If you kill the demon king Arnos, you'll just create a new base. If either human or the demons are not eradicated This fight is not going to over, No..."

Arnos is just talking but he is also a being of immense magical power. Word by word each one had a compulsion like magic.He had a tremendous magical power, and every word had a magical magical force.

"Even if the demons perish human beings will just create new enemies again. Next will be the spirits that are different to yourselves. If you eradicate the spirits next will be the gods that made you. And if you defeat the gods you will turn on each other."

"Yes, there are parts that are weak in people. But I want to believe in people. I want to believe in the kindness of people."

Hahaha!! and so Arnos laughed

The hero Kanon is a good person. He knows of humanities ugliness but has the courage to believe in the goodness of people.

"Then, Kanon. How about trying to believe in the goodness of the demon king Arnos?"

Kanon does not answer immediately.

Is this offer true? Should he doubt it?

"As I said earlier. Divide the world into four. The world of humans, the devil world, the spirit world and the world of the gods. Put up a wall between the worlds and don't open the doors for a thousand years."

If there is no connection for a thousand years, bonds to each other will disappear and consequently the grudges against each other will also disappear.

"I can change my life force into magical power if you three cooperate and I can activate the grand magic."

"So you die for peace? You who are called the demon king."

"You and the others called me that without permission. I will not die. I will find an affordable vessel and reincarnate. Though it will be two thousand years before I next wake up."

Kanon falls silent.

After a while he steeled himself.

"…I understand.....I'll believe in you....."

Even though he had suggested it the demon king Arnos could not hide his surprise.

He had explained it in good faith.

Humans, spirits and gods were shown evidence without any demerit.

The remaining problem was emotion. Hatred and jealousy stacked on top together, constantly repeating.

That is why those words needed courage.

For the first time, the demon king Arnos understood why he is called a hero.

"Thank you."

Kanon laughs a little.

"I never thought I'd see a day when the demon king thanked me."

"And I did not think a day would come when I could thank the hero."

The two of them locked gazes.

Though their positions are different, their power and strength of mind is mutually appreciated in each other's hearts.

Now, at last, the long battle is about to be rewarded.

"Let's get started then."

The demon king Arnos stands slowly up from his throne and hold his hands in front of his eyes.

At that moment countless particles of black light began to rise from the castle.

Many magic letters appeared on the walls, floors, ceilings etc. The words being drawn are cramped together.

In the demon king's castle a huge three-dimensional magic circle appears that Arnos had prepared.

"This body is the entrance for the magical power."

Arnos steps forward and exposes his defenceless body.

First, the grand spirit Reno and then the creation god Militia turned their palms towards him and loosed an extremely pure white wave. It was like looking at a star, it was dazzling. A bundle of infinite magic power.

No matter how much magic power was poured into his body the demon king Arnos absorbed it all.

Finally Kanon pulled out the holy sword.

"The preparations for the reincarnation?"

"Already done. You can do it."

The torrent of magic power was intense, crackling and scattering sparks everywhere. It was loud enough to rupture your ears.

It could not endure the use of the grand magic that was absorbing all the magical power of the world and the demon king's castle began to collapse.

Kanon kicks the floor and thrusts the holy sword forward. Magic is fed into it and the blade becomes pure white before piercing through the heart of the demon king Arnos.


Blood drips from the chest of Arnos.

His lips become wet and red.

With this, his ambition was finally fulfilled.

He was fed up.

The fighting, this barren world. He was bored and tired.

"...Hero Kanon. Thank you once again. If you are also reborn in two thousand years...…."

"It will be as friends."

Demon king Arnos laughed.


His body disappeared with the light.


Two thousand years later.

A baby was born in a human house.

"Dear…..see our baby..."

Looking happy Isabella was holding her baby.

Standing at her side was her husband Gusta.

"He's cute. He will become an excellent man."

Gusta pokes the babies cheek.

"Dear, have you thought about a name?"

"Aah. His name —"

At that moment when Gusta was about to speak.

"The name is Arnos. Arnos Voldigod."

Their mouths fall open and their eyes look like they are about to pop out.

Gusta and Isabella have expressions of complete surprise.

"Fumu. Even though it has been two thousand years it was only a moment."

Forgetting himself he turned his attention back to the surprised couple.

"Aah, sorry. Is this the first time you've seen a baby who reincarnated? I was surprised. It seems that even in this age childbirth has not changed. My best regards."




The couple yelled out together

"He talkeeeeeeeeeed!!?"

Arnos floats a look on his face that says, of course a reincarnated baby can talk.

"It's hard to talk in this body. Should I grow up a little?"

A magic formation appears on Arnos' baby body.

Instantly he got bigger and grew up to about 6 years old.

"For the time being will such a place do?"

Arnos places his feet on the floor.



While he looks himself over and stamps his feet Gusta and Isabella have expressions of extreme surprise again.

Again they scream out together.

"H.....he...….he grew biiiiiiiiiiiiiig!!"

Arnos the reincarnated baby that had used the crest floated a face that said, of course it would be natural to use this magic.